I think both platforms are largely matured and going to remained unchanged in any major ways for the foreseeable future. I don't think we need to number the releases. I don't think there's that big of a difference these days, and when there is, they just can say so in a keynote and all the marketing for the new devices they're associated with. Both operating systems are free and regularly maintained so who cares if they have a catchy name?
I do think a huge yearly leap is necessary, but I think we could look at as simply being a milestone instead of chasing version numbers. "We've been working on this huge set of features we think are really going to push us forward, we put a lot of work into it, and we'd like you to preview our next milestone release."
This plan assumes a shift in development where the big new major features are spread out a big, and we experience more large .1 updates like 9.3. It also assumes that we move to stock applications being regularly updated via the App Store.
So no more number races. Just a living breathing operating system that levels up reliable once a year.
Just OS X & iOS and time.
"Ugh, iOS has been sh*t since Mid 2019. Milestone 2017 was a thing of beauty. Those idiots are must really think they're on a spaceship."
"OS X peaked with the Early 2018 release. When they gave Lady Gaga creative control, everything went to hell."
The Preview Collection
OS X 10.12 DP/Beta 1 & iOS 10 DP/Beta 1 = macOS Milestone 2016 Preview & iOS Milestone 2016 Preview
OS X 10.12 DP/Beta 2 & iOS 10 DP/Beta2 = macOS M 2016 Preview 2 & iOS M 2016 Preview 2
OS X is dead deal with it. These would come every WWDC. In this scenario the 2016 releases would be pretty shocking yet refreshing. A second 'Mountain Lion' year with a few bones thrown in like Siri, Control Center and Full Dark Mode. Previews of technologies and features that may not be ready for the fall release, but are still being shown and exposed to developers.
The Milestone Collection
OS X 10.12 GM & iOS 10 GM = macOS (Milestone 2016) & iOS (Milestone 2016)
OS X 10.13 GM & iOS 11 GM = macOS (M 2017) & iOS (M 2017)
In all official documentation the time designated differentiator will be parenthesized to deemphasize the idea actual differences that shouldn't and usually don't matter to most people, but still exist for those of us who need it. These updates still need to be ready like clockwork to launch with new devices.
The Expansion Collection
OS X 10.12.1 & iOS 10.1 = macOS (Late 2016) & iOS (Late 2016)
OS X 10.12.2 & iOS 10.3 = macOS (Spring 2017) & iOS (Summer 2017)
Beta releases of the .1 releases the week after the new devices launch with some of those previews from WWDC taking shape. Maybe the first major stock apps get huge updates without warning the week after release that addresses some concerns from major reviews that we'd normally have to way to see in a .1 update. We'd see these updates bringing things like new API's for Spotlight being active or Springboard feature.
Just to keep things clear on a global scale I think Early, Mid, Late makes more sense than using actual American seasons, even though I think they'd be more attractive. I think Apple could be pretty loose in dialogue to refer to them as their seasonal releases in discussions at American based events but for any technical official purposes refer to the Early/Late.
The Maintenance Collection
OS X 10.12.4 & iOS 10.3.2 = invisible bug/security fixes built into the new streamlined update processes built into both operating systems that download and install modular updates like bug fixes & fixing serious vulnerabilities while device is normally not in use (i.e charging while you sleep) by default requiring no interaction from users.
I know I have more holes in this plan than a cartoon representation of cheese, but I think it's a natural progression.
I do think a huge yearly leap is necessary, but I think we could look at as simply being a milestone instead of chasing version numbers. "We've been working on this huge set of features we think are really going to push us forward, we put a lot of work into it, and we'd like you to preview our next milestone release."
This plan assumes a shift in development where the big new major features are spread out a big, and we experience more large .1 updates like 9.3. It also assumes that we move to stock applications being regularly updated via the App Store.
So no more number races. Just a living breathing operating system that levels up reliable once a year.
Just OS X & iOS and time.
"Ugh, iOS has been sh*t since Mid 2019. Milestone 2017 was a thing of beauty. Those idiots are must really think they're on a spaceship."
"OS X peaked with the Early 2018 release. When they gave Lady Gaga creative control, everything went to hell."
The Preview Collection
OS X 10.12 DP/Beta 1 & iOS 10 DP/Beta 1 = macOS Milestone 2016 Preview & iOS Milestone 2016 Preview
OS X 10.12 DP/Beta 2 & iOS 10 DP/Beta2 = macOS M 2016 Preview 2 & iOS M 2016 Preview 2
OS X is dead deal with it. These would come every WWDC. In this scenario the 2016 releases would be pretty shocking yet refreshing. A second 'Mountain Lion' year with a few bones thrown in like Siri, Control Center and Full Dark Mode. Previews of technologies and features that may not be ready for the fall release, but are still being shown and exposed to developers.
The Milestone Collection
OS X 10.12 GM & iOS 10 GM = macOS (Milestone 2016) & iOS (Milestone 2016)
OS X 10.13 GM & iOS 11 GM = macOS (M 2017) & iOS (M 2017)
In all official documentation the time designated differentiator will be parenthesized to deemphasize the idea actual differences that shouldn't and usually don't matter to most people, but still exist for those of us who need it. These updates still need to be ready like clockwork to launch with new devices.
The Expansion Collection
OS X 10.12.1 & iOS 10.1 = macOS (Late 2016) & iOS (Late 2016)
OS X 10.12.2 & iOS 10.3 = macOS (Spring 2017) & iOS (Summer 2017)
Beta releases of the .1 releases the week after the new devices launch with some of those previews from WWDC taking shape. Maybe the first major stock apps get huge updates without warning the week after release that addresses some concerns from major reviews that we'd normally have to way to see in a .1 update. We'd see these updates bringing things like new API's for Spotlight being active or Springboard feature.
Just to keep things clear on a global scale I think Early, Mid, Late makes more sense than using actual American seasons, even though I think they'd be more attractive. I think Apple could be pretty loose in dialogue to refer to them as their seasonal releases in discussions at American based events but for any technical official purposes refer to the Early/Late.
The Maintenance Collection
OS X 10.12.4 & iOS 10.3.2 = invisible bug/security fixes built into the new streamlined update processes built into both operating systems that download and install modular updates like bug fixes & fixing serious vulnerabilities while device is normally not in use (i.e charging while you sleep) by default requiring no interaction from users.
I know I have more holes in this plan than a cartoon representation of cheese, but I think it's a natural progression.