I was a long term user of Notability then switched to Goodnotes but I’m finding since owning my iPad Pro 11 with Pencil v2 I prefer the inking / writing on Apple’s Notes app. It just seems that the writing experience is far more realistic and the ink flows as opposed to just appear in the other two apps. The difference is minor and slight and I’ve tried different pen sizes and options to try and replicate the Notes experience but with no joy. Obviously I detest the lack of organisation and other features in Notes.
Has anyone else found the same? I’m now writing more and more in Notes and then only using Goodnotes for bring stuff together or more formal minutes.
I was a long term user of Notability then switched to Goodnotes but I’m finding since owning my iPad Pro 11 with Pencil v2 I prefer the inking / writing on Apple’s Notes app. It just seems that the writing experience is far more realistic and the ink flows as opposed to just appear in the other two apps. The difference is minor and slight and I’ve tried different pen sizes and options to try and replicate the Notes experience but with no joy. Obviously I detest the lack of organisation and other features in Notes.
Has anyone else found the same? I’m now writing more and more in Notes and then only using Goodnotes for bring stuff together or more formal minutes.