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Original poster
Jan 12, 2014
Hey all!

I'm (finally) looking to get a new iPad. This would be strictly for web browsing, mail, Netflix/YouTube, reading eBooks/magazines and such. This means I definitely do not need the iPad Pro.

With Apple's new iPad just released I am now torn between the new model and a refurb Air 2. However, I've also seen refurb IPad Airs (the original) going for very good prices.

Considering my intended usage, would this still be a viable alternative at this point? Or should I just spend the extra cash and get the latest model for peace of mind?

Thanks for your input!
I personally would invest in an Air 2 or the new 9.7 iPad for the current price point. The Air 2 is still significantly fast and it does have the laminate display, which would help with reflexivity with reading in lighting conditions. You can find some great prices on the Air 2 and it will serve most of your needs easily.
I recommend just going for the Air 2 or 2017 iPad. At this point, Air is already in the "just usable" stage. You'll probably want to bang your head on your desk if you ever update the firmware.

Whatever you chose, for the sake of your sanity, get at least 32GB storage.
Do not buy an Air at this point as it will probably become sluggish on iOS 11. The Air 2 personally it performs fine although I am noticing just more and more pauses were I have to wait an extra second or 2 for it to catch up with itself. You really want the display I see no reason to choose it over the new iPad with a A9 other than that but honestly if you're looking into a good display iPad I'd point you towards the Pro models.
DON'T get an iPad Air 1, iPad mini 2, or iPad mini 3. I have an iPad mini 2 and it is getting very slow and has a very small annoying amount of RAM. That also causes it to miss out on some nice multitasking features, on top of having more performance problems and more difficulty holding apps in memory in the background.

Honestly if you have light needs but are on a budget, get an iPad Air 2 or the new iPad.
Air 2 or 2017 iPad. Either should serve your needs. Avoid the original Air as it only has 1 GB of RAM and is not aging well. I had a Mini 2 which had essentially the same internals and web browsing on it was always a little annoying right from Day 1. 2 GB of RAM makes all the difference. Don't buy any iOS devices with only 1 GB of RAM in 2017...
I have an Air 1, Mini 4, and just picked up a 9.7" Pro. All of them will play Netflix and YouTube videos just fine. They'll all likewise browse the web and do email quite well. But, navigating the UI is definitely sluggish on the Air 1 compared to the other two, and that's definitely worth keeping in mind as iOS keeps evolving. My vote is the Air 2. It'll do the tasks you outlined for a while longer, and it'll be smooth about it.
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NO iPad is an investment... I have both and use both. . . iPad Air and iPad Air 2. I like the screen a bit better on the 2 but honestly, even with the better specs, for what you're wanting to use it for I'd consider the Air. If you can pick one up at half the price of the 2 it is worth it.
I'm actually contemplating trading in my Air for the new iPad at Best Buy, since they have a minimum $150 trade in credit, and I still have some Best Buy gift cards. The new iPad would only be about ~$40 out of pocket to pick up, if I get $150 for my Air
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Alright, thanks for all the input. Pretty much confirms what I already suspected.

New iPad it is then! Thanks!
Hey all!

I'm (finally) looking to get a new iPad. This would be strictly for web browsing, mail, Netflix/YouTube, reading eBooks/magazines and such. This means I definitely do not need the iPad Pro.

With Apple's new iPad just released I am now torn between the new model and a refurb Air 2. However, I've also seen refurb IPad Airs (the original) going for very good prices.

Considering my intended usage, would this still be a viable alternative at this point? Or should I just spend the extra cash and get the latest model for peace of mind?

Thanks for your input!

The iPad Air 1 is still a great iPad. I've used one and it's still very fast for everything you've listed. I'd totally recommend it.
IPad Air...10.3.1 upgrade this morning.
It's flying for browsing,SkyQ t.v.
This little device is going to last a few more years yet.

Loads of upgrade options once my contract finishes 18 months approx.
I re iterate, this was an excellent move from previous macbook pro's.

IPad devices are almost perfect for home use.
NO! The newest iPad Apple released is what the iPad Air should have been. I traded in my Air 1 just because of that. I barely used it for anything and it was still beyond slow and sluggish, and has been since it's release. The new iPad which is dirt cheap is so amazingly awesome, it's weird I only got it for 200.
Again NO to the Air 1, not worth it in the slightest. The iPad 4 was better than the Air IMO.

Hi.. 100% worth is for the Ipad air 1.. I have mine still (and have money in hand to upgrade) however don't find the new ones do anything different for me. The only reason I would upgrade is for the pencil, but I haven't found much of a need for it yet.
Sure the new ones are snappier/quicker/more ram etc but I haven't had a problem with my usage. I would say I'm a moderate user, not a power user as I feel the Ipad isn't really a "power user" device*

*My opinions. Trust me I tried to be a power user with an Ipad and I couldn't without a true operating system
have noth air 1 and new ipad, the new one crush the air by a long shot esp in web browsing experience
I happen to see a deal for new iPad Air 1 Wifi 16GB going for about $200 and am thinking it's a good upgrade for my parents who are still rocking iPad 2. I know about the budget iPad but it's about $375 in my third-world country, so almost twice the price of that Air 1.

All my parents use for their iPad is >90% on YouTube app (based on Battery stats in Settings)

What do you think?
I happen to see a deal for new iPad Air 1 Wifi 16GB going for about $200 and am thinking it's a good upgrade for my parents who are still rocking iPad 2. I know about the budget iPad but it's about $375 in my third-world country, so almost twice the price of that Air 1.

All my parents use for their iPad is >90% on YouTube app (based on Battery stats in Settings)

What do you think?
In that case, the Air should be quite a decent replacement to your parents' iPad 2.
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Hey all!

I'm (finally) looking to get a new iPad. This would be strictly for web browsing, mail, Netflix/YouTube, reading eBooks/magazines and such. This means I definitely do not need the iPad Pro.

With Apple's new iPad just released I am now torn between the new model and a refurb Air 2. However, I've also seen refurb IPad Airs (the original) going for very good prices.

Considering my intended usage, would this still be a viable alternative at this point? Or should I just spend the extra cash and get the latest model for peace of mind?

Thanks for your input!
My mother uses the iPad Air 1 for almost the same reasons, and I've thrown iOS 11 on it for a while to get her feedback on the changes, and to find more issues with it. It runs quite smoothly on it, well, the same as my Air 2.

I think it's still a great option if you can get it for like $200 through a good source. I wouldn't pay over $300 for it, because for $350 you can get a much better device.
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