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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 19, 2009
I have a 7D on order, I read on a review from DPreview that the 7D isn't setup as a direct transfer USB protocol like most cameras are. It says that it needs to install a file onto the computer to transfer files directly through the USB cable??? Has anyone used a direct USB to CCK on the iPad? Does it work?

Also does anyone have a link to a list of know compatible CF card readers that the iPad will accept. I have two multi-card readers and both require too much power.

My 7D is on order, my current T1i transfers just fine through USB and of course since it uses SD cards I can also use that part of the CCK, it seems weird that the 7D wouldn't be able to do this but who know:confused:

Thanks for any help

Edit: Here is the quote from the review... "With the 7D connected via USB cable, the only transfer method available is WIA - Canon doesn't provide a simple 'mass storage device' feature in the camera (enabling the camera to act as a normal card reader). Because of this a driver is installed when you connect the camera to your computer the first time to ensure the transfer of all your images (as drag-and-drop WIA doesn't support RAW)."


macrumors newbie
Feb 3, 2010
I'd like to know too if anyone's tried this

I have a 7D and an iPad but can't find camera connection kit!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2007
Shropshire, UK
I have a 7D on order, I read on a review from DPreview that the 7D isn't setup as a direct transfer USB protocol like most cameras are. It says that it needs to install a file onto the computer to transfer files directly through the USB cable??? Has anyone used a direct USB to CCK on the iPad? Does it work?

Also does anyone have a link to a list of know compatible CF card readers that the iPad will accept. I have two multi-card readers and both require too much power.

My 7D is on order, my current T1i transfers just fine through USB and of course since it uses SD cards I can also use that part of the CCK, it seems weird that the 7D wouldn't be able to do this but who know:confused:

Thanks for any help

Edit: Here is the quote from the review... "With the 7D connected via USB cable, the only transfer method available is WIA - Canon doesn't provide a simple 'mass storage device' feature in the camera (enabling the camera to act as a normal card reader). Because of this a driver is installed when you connect the camera to your computer the first time to ensure the transfer of all your images (as drag-and-drop WIA doesn't support RAW)."

I'm also planning getting a 7D so would be interested to find out.

My Kingston card reader (FCR-HS219/1 link) can be used to read SD cards on my iPad using the Camera Connection Kit (CCK) USB adapter, but I don't have any CF cards to test this with.

Another option might be to use an SD to CF adapter in the 7D (assuming they work) and then read the SD cards direct on with the CCK SD reader. (I'm hoping this works, then I will just use the SD cards I bought for my Canon 500 with the 7D).


macrumors 601
Oct 6, 2008
I'll be able to give a little insight later today...I get my iPad CCK after ordering a month ago!

I don't have a 7D but I do have a T2i which is essentially the 7D's little brother. I would think their USB transfer protocol's are the same.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2007
Shropshire, UK
My Canon 7D body arrived earlier today :D

Having read around a bit, I decided to buy a CF card for the 7D rather than using an SD to CF adapter, mainly to ensure the storage is fast enough but also to avoid too many electrical connections and potential incompatibility problems etc.

From my preliminary tests using a 16GB SanDisk Extreme 60MB/s CF card using Large JPEG photos (I have yet to try RAW):

1) When I connect the 7D directly to the iPad using the USB cable, the Photos app opens and I can import images onto the iPad :) So, if the 7D is using a non-standard USB mode, the iPad and CCK can cope with it.

2) I can also import from the CF card when it is plugged into my Kingston reader (which, in turn, is plugged into the CCK USB-dock connector) :)

3) There are some strange inconsistencies in the imported images when viewed on the iPad :confused: I will try to post some pics in due course, but it looks as if a few columns of pixels are missing now and again. Also, the photos do not seem to be displayed at full resolution i.e. 18MP. The good news is that when I transfer the images from the iPad to my iMac, the imported 7D images are full resolution and do not show these inconsistencies.

So it looks like the iPad can be easily used to back-up photos from the 7D, although the Photos app is not ideal for displaying the images. I guess I need to look for another image viewing app to see the imported images at full res on the iPad - any ideas?


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2010
Manchester, UK
I suspect the iPad is creating a small jpeg preview image, much like Aperture does when you copy a project to an external hard drive.

I also have a 7D, (well, two 7D's actually), but i've not been able to source a camera connection kit. But its good to know the import works.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2007
Shropshire, UK
I suspect the iPad is creating a small jpeg preview image, much like Aperture does when you copy a project to an external hard drive.

I think you are right.

I have bought Photogene for iPad. When you view an imported file, it shows the same inconsistency I saw in Photos (i.e. missing/shifted columns of pixels). So I guess Photos creates a lower res jpeg when it imports (and this process has a bug creating the inconsistency), and any apps that load the photo load this low-res version. I guess the iPad stores the full res version somewhere, and that is then available to be downloaded via ImageCapture on the Mac.

So whilst this means the iPad is great for backing-up photos, it does reduce the ability to check photos on the iPad. Hopefully someone will come up with an app that can either access and display the full res version, or, if that is not possible, an app that can use the CCK to import the display photos (bypassing Photos).


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2010
Manchester, UK
I think you are right.

I have bought Photogene for iPad. When you view an imported file, it shows the same inconsistency I saw in Photos (i.e. missing/shifted columns of pixels). So I guess Photos creates a lower res jpeg when it imports (and this process has a bug creating the inconsistency), and any apps that load the photo load this low-res version. I guess the iPad stores the full res version somewhere, and that is then available to be downloaded via ImageCapture on the Mac.

So whilst this means the iPad is great for backing-up photos, it does reduce the ability to check photos on the iPad. Hopefully someone will come up with an app that can either access and display the full res version, or, if that is not possible, an app that can use the CCK to import the display photos (bypassing Photos).

I think it would be possible for an app to do this, but very very slow, which is probably putting developers off making such an app. The big issue is going to come from the lack of memory. Its going to be very hard to do anything meaningful to an 18mp Jpeg even with just 256mb RAM. If you're hoping for RAW adjustments, NR etc, i dont think we'll see it.

Perhaps a cloud based photo editor could work well with the iPad, taking all the strain off the device.

Of course another option is to send the file to your mac and use a Remote Desktop file to access Photoshop or whatever. Thats not currently very practical, but i hope to see it become better with further development of apps.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2007
Shropshire, UK
I think it would be possible for an app to do this, but very very slow, which is probably putting developers off making such an app. The big issue is going to come from the lack of memory. Its going to be very hard to do anything meaningful to an 18mp Jpeg even with just 256mb RAM. If you're hoping for RAW adjustments, NR etc, i dont think we'll see it.

Perhaps a cloud based photo editor could work well with the iPad, taking all the strain off the device.

Of course another option is to send the file to your mac and use a Remote Desktop file to access Photoshop or whatever. Thats not currently very practical, but i hope to see it become better with further development of apps.

I'm not really bothered about editing - I really just want to check focus/exposure/depth of field etc on a display larger than that on the 7D.

Some recent wildlife pics (whilst on holiday in India) on my 500D looked great when displayed/zoomed on the camera screen, but had some minor problems when viewed on my 24" iMac. I'm hoping to use the iPad to check photos whilst on holiday, so I'm just looking for a photo viewer really. I would also like to avoid cloud based/remote desktop solutions - these need a reliable/fast internet connection, which often isn't possible (no mobile phone, let alone mobile internet, in Assam!)

Of course I could just take my MacBook with me, but part of the reason I got an iPad was to avoid lugging a laptop about!


macrumors 601
Oct 6, 2008
I noticed some of the same things with my T2I. It can import the raw files but it will create a jpeg preview that is probably about 2-3MP. When you import the files on your computer you get just the CR2 file. It also imports video but it is not able to play it back unfortunately, it just shows a an icon with MOV on it...I am hoping OS4 will change that but I don't have my hopes up.

Having the CCK kind of makes me wish the iPad had a single usb port, being able to plug in a keyboard/camera/external storage without an adapter would have been pretty sweet.


macrumors newbie
May 28, 2011
IPAD y Canon 7D

Alguien sabe si se puede utilizad la IPAD para ver las fotos mientras en tiempo real a medida que se van tomando para así poder ir haciendo ajustes como si tuviese las aplicaciones utility de Canon que me permite ir viendo las mismas mientas las voy tomando?
No se si esto merita otro post, pero veo que este grupo ya ha estado trabajando en el tema.
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