Coming back home and spending a lot of time with family, there was a lot of picture taking and this caused me to finally bite the bullet and upgrade my iCloud storage. Viewing them on my 1st Gen iPad Air here is a lot better/easier than my phone (an XR) and consequently, I’ve been using it a lot more now.
In using it more, I’ve given some thought to possibly buying another one when my MBA dies (would continue to use this Air, but I havent used it enough to keep the battery in good shape).
My question is, is the Smart Keyboard folio a decent keyboard attachment for iPad, or are there better third-party keyboards (and what are they) ??
In using it more, I’ve given some thought to possibly buying another one when my MBA dies (would continue to use this Air, but I havent used it enough to keep the battery in good shape).
My question is, is the Smart Keyboard folio a decent keyboard attachment for iPad, or are there better third-party keyboards (and what are they) ??