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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013
Hi All. I own a 32 gb ipad air, wifi only. I had been telling my wife that I wanted something smaller to bring to work with LTE and she got me a 1st gen mini with vzw service for Christmas. I was hesitant to open it because I know I am spoiled with the air. Would I miss the retina display and A7? Right now, I say no. Clearly the screen is inferior. But it is certainly workable. The size of the mini is wonderful. Perfect to bring to work every day. I think I'm going to keep it. You can't beat the price. And if I keep this one maybe I can get next years latest and greatest and pass this one down (I do have 3 kids) ? :)


macrumors 65816
Jul 15, 2011
If you haven't opened it then do so and see if it works for you. If not, there is a return policy. You have to ask though, is saving $100 worth losing out on retina, A7, 64bit, m7, FaceTime illumination camera, MIMO, and future support?
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Mar 17, 2012
If the cost is an issue and you're on Verizon, you could drop the LTE and use your phone to tether. Upgrading from the mini to the retina mini is totally worth it.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013
Cost is not really the issue. I just think this will be fine for what I need it for. Remember I still have an Air at home, with all the newest features.


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
The 1st generation Mini is one of the most frustrating things I've ever used. The A5 and 512MB of RAM make app hangs, crashes, and tab reloading regular events.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Cost is not really the issue. I just think this will be fine for what I need it for. Remember I still have an Air at home, with all the newest features.

I have both the mini and the rMini and I'd recommend the rMini over the mini. I think the first gen mini is a great tablet but the retina screen is worth the cost. You'll definitely notice the difference and since you have the air that difference will be more apparent. The faster processor in the rMini is a plus as well.

I'm not down on the mini, it was and is a great tablet. My wife and kids have Minis and so they're used quite a bit in my household. The rMini however is a better tablet imo.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013
I won't dispute that the rmini is better. Obviously it is. However my uses for the mini will be on the occasional train, or in the office or at a client. For home use I have an air. Right now, the 1st gen mini can do everything the rmini can do. I am sure that it will be iOS 8 compatible, otherwise they wouldn't be selling them. And I can almost guarantee that it was one of the top sellers this holiday season due to the price. I am still leaning towards keeping it.


macrumors regular
Dec 29, 2013
I just purchased a 1st gen ipad mini on 12/20/13. I love it so far and have downloaded my digital magazines to it. I'm okay with it having the A5 processor because that's what is in my Iphone 4s; also purchased this year. I'm a little behind times lol. I love my mini and I love the price of it too. :)


Sep 25, 2010
I don't want you to be depressed over your new iPad, but the 1st gen iPad mini is 8 times slower than the 2nd gen and is basically only a smaller iPad 2...


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2012
Traveling @ Warp Speed ...... USA
I don't want you to be depressed over your new iPad, but the 1st gen iPad mini is 8 times slower than the 2nd gen and is basically only a smaller iPad 2...

You can't depress me about my mini. I have had it since day one. I loved it and now my wife is thrilled with it.

I don't want to depress you but your mom is calling. It is time for you to take out the trash.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
The screen on the retina mini is obviously better and internally it is better than the 1st gen. However my first gen does what I need it to do with ease. It doesn't stutter or lag. I can use the apps I need to use, play the games I what, browse the net stream video, play my music and podcasts. At this point in time the only thing I'd say is that the screen could be better but it suffices. I'm not too bothered about upgrading, besides I have other devices to satisfy my tech cravings.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013
So basically I should take it back to walmart and get the rmini?

Why? You said you are enjoying it, and like the price. I am keeping mine as it will do everything I need it to do. Right now, there is nothing the rmini can do that the 1st gen mini can't. Just my conclusion...


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The only reason as I stated to swap it out, is the screen (yes the faster processor is a plus) and if you're happy with what you have then there's no reason

I use mine rMini for reading so the retina display is a big plus, buy YMMV and you need to choose what's best for yourself and it appears you have


macrumors 6502
Mar 27, 2011
Litchfield CT
I picked up a first generation iPad mini and it has been nothing but a nightmare iOS 7 crashes apps constantly safari reloading tabs constantly and apps crashing almost on a schedule. I'm very mad at apple :(:(:apple:


macrumors 65816
Feb 18, 2010
I really hope so because I almost want to return it, have you tried ios7.1 beta yet? Are you certain this is fixed issue?? Thanks again :confused:

I have the ipad mini 64GB 1st gen.
No problems at all never had what you say. but I don't play games so maybe one of your programs does it,
my sug. to you is restore it to the factory setup and start to add one by one program and see when you start to have the problem.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013
I have been using my 1st gen mini in real world use the past few days. I have to say, I am happy I did not return it and get a rmini. It works perfectly for email, remote pc access, reading the newspaper, reading a book, Facebook, Twitter, etc.


Jun 6, 2010
I have been using my 1st gen mini in real world use the past few days. I have to say, I am happy I did not return it and get a rmini. It works perfectly for email, remote pc access, reading the newspaper, reading a book, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Plus it will only get faster when 7.1 is officially released. I have 7.1 beta 3 on an iPad mini first gen and it is very smooth - don't let the rMini users put you down - they have bad screens (yellowing and image retention issues) to deal with, you don't! Enjoy it! :)


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
The Mini was my first Apple tablet. I tried the Air and rMini and returned both. Neither was cellular like my Mini is but it does what I need it to do so those others were not worth it to me.

I am not a heavy or power user. My Mini is fine on IOS 7, no problems whatsoever.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 28, 2013
Apple Store, USA
I guess if you have the money you can upgrade but i use my ipad mini 1 every day (in fact I'm using it right now) And it works perfectly- the screen isn't a huge issue, u notice it everyone in a while but it is just fine, i guess i was skeptical about getting it at first (i just got it 2 weeks ago) because of the a5 processor which obviously wont last to much longer but it seems to work well right now. I mail use my ipad for the web so as long as i can go to safari and search for and successfully get on the site i am happy.


Jul 21, 2003
The 1st generation Mini is one of the most frustrating things I've ever used. The A5 and 512MB of RAM make app hangs, crashes, and tab reloading regular events.

That's ridiculous. I've had two non retina minis since spring 2013 and no problems. For some reason you are having problems with your particular device, and make the completely unscientific determination that it's a problem with all mini-1's based on their hardware.


I don't want you to be depressed over your new iPad, but the 1st gen iPad mini is 8 times slower than the 2nd gen and is basically only a smaller iPad 2...

Where on earth are you getting your numbers! Benchmarks show the processor is about 3.5 slower. However, since the mini-2 is retina, it has to push 4-times the pixels!


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013
Plus it will only get faster when 7.1 is officially released. I have 7.1 beta 3 on an iPad mini first gen and it is very smooth - don't let the rMini users put you down - they have bad screens (yellowing and image retention issues) to deal with, you don't! Enjoy it! :)

I am enjoying it! Good to hear it will only get better.
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