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macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Well, I've largely kept quiet about my buyers remorse over the 10.5. Buyers remorse is probably the wrong term, since I really did like the 10.5, but the idea of the 12.9 model kept nagging me, like a mosquito bite that wouldn't stop. I've let it me known in a handful of posts that I was waffling between the two models, but as time went on, and my 14 days of ownership, turned into 21, 28, etc etc, I looked to be content with my purchase and I largely was.

I remember when the Apple first announced the 12.9 and I almost bought one then, but I held off. When the 10.5 mode hit the streets, I thought now was the time. I was content with the purchase until I came to the apple store to pick it up, and it in the apple store, the 10.5 looked diminutive. I thought I made a mistake, but I kept my mouth closed. I should have then opted for the larger model, but I didn't.

A month and a half later for giggles, I packed up my iPad Pro, drove to my local apple store and they allowed me to exchange my 10.5 for the 12.9. I figured what's the worst that can happen, I walk out with my 10.5 again and as I said, it was a fabulous tablet.

To be honest, I was completely dumbfounded when they said they would allow me to exchange the 10.5, for the 12.9, even though I bought it back in June. Yes, I was hoping something positive could come about it, why else would I show up at the apple store with my iPad Pro boxed up, but I was resigned to the fact, that I had missed my window of opportunity. Yet the manager at the Apple store allowed me to "trade up"

Kudos to Apple for such a great customer service move, words cannot really express how grateful I am. They had no reason to help me, but they did.

I'm very happy with my purchase, the screen is gorgeous, the iPad is FREAKING HUGE :eek: but its I wanted.

Some of the things I liked about the 10.5, i.e., its mobility, will need to be accommodated with the larger form factor. I'm wondering if I'll suffer any sort of hand/arm fatigue from using it upright (as opposed to a desk), but overall the screen is the size that I think will enhance my enjoyment.

tl;dr I kept quiet about my desire for 12.9, when I shouldn't. Apple's top notch service allowed me to upgrade when I didn't deserve it.
Great post! Love reading these stories while I'm still trying to figure out what size I'm going to buy. Honestly, Apple made a big mistake by not offering "try-out" iPads running iOS 11 beta to tech stores. It's not fun playing with iPads running iOS 10 on them.
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I bought the original 9.7 iPad Pro, with keyboard, Apple Pencil when it came out. I love it and continue to use it, just not for my photography. I also have a 12.9 iPad Pro, and have since switch the Apple Pencil to connect to it as it's far more useful on it than on the 9.7 model. Granted my 27 iMac is my workhorse, I believe that with Lightroom Mobile I can do most of the things I would do on my desktop in Lightroom on the 12.9 iPad. The screen is what sold me as well, it's why I didn't gush over the 10.5 iPad. The 9.7 is a great middle ground device for me, I don't carry it around like I used to, so it is also used for remote HomeKit.

I used the 12.9 for about a week, and each time I go pick up the 9.7 I think, that I used to think this was too big and too heavy <--- yes, heavy. I do need a stand at some point for the desk so I can work on a more comfortable angle.

Lightroom Mobile is easier to use, faster and has Apple Pencil, I only with it had keyword support and built in clone tool. I will use a RavPower Filehub Plus to view images in FileBrowser Business then bring over the files I want to work on into Lightroom Mobile. I sometimes use ProCam to show auto exposure brackets in DNG then combine them later... I hope Affinity Mobile can handle that part of the process, at least until Adobe decides to put that into LR Mobile.

Glad you were able to upgrade without issues, it's a nice device, it does take a little bit of creativity to make it a work device as opposed to a content consumption device.

If your looking for a case that works with the Apple Keyboard, check out I use them for the 9.7 iPad, the Apple Pencil holder is great.
You were keeping a secret
I mentioned a handful of times, where I kept going back and forth regarding the 10.5 vs. 12.9. Both have advantages and disadvantages. I've been using the 12.9 for good part of the day, and I'm finding it less holdable then the 10.5 but I was expecting that. Videos look better in the larger screen and Excel is expansive, though I've not really done any heavy lifting with any apps. I spent most of my time playing Fallout Vault :)

I'll continue to test drive the machine to ensure its a good fit for my needs, but so far, I am happy with the purchase.
I mentioned a handful of times, where I kept going back and forth regarding the 10.5 vs. 12.9. Both have advantages and disadvantages. I've been using the 12.9 for good part of the day, and I'm finding it less holdable then the 10.5 but I was expecting that. Videos look better in the larger screen and Excel is expansive, though I've not really done any heavy lifting with any apps. I spent most of my time playing Fallout Vault :)

I'll continue to test drive the machine to ensure its a good fit for my needs, but so far, I am happy with the purchase.

I tend to hold mine differently than I did the 9.7. Actually I notice I utilize the Smart Cover more with the 12.9, when I have to hold it, I'll fold the cover flat into thirds and use it as a grip. And when I'm sitting down, I'll generally rest it on my leg, with the cover in a triangle in typing mode.

Are you using any cases with it?
I'd love the 12.9 for my home office one day. Sticking with the 10.5 for now though as I use it mostly around the house and at work. Great to hear that Apple once again exemplifies great customer service.
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Sticking with the 10.5 for now though as I use it mostly around the house and at work
I'm still waffling in all honesty, though I'm giving the 12.9 some time and see if my usage habits are falling into place. My wife and kids think I should keep it, and I know for their homework (the kids at least), they like the larger iPad.
I'm still waffling in all honesty, though I'm giving the 12.9 some time and see if my usage habits are falling into place. My wife and kids think I should keep it, and I know for their homework (the kids at least), they like the larger iPad.

Yea I would imagine for kids, laying on the ground and such, the 12.9 would work well. It certainly seems to work for a lot of people, but I had to return mine. If they eventually cut down on the bezels and weight, I could see myself being more interested.
Yea I would imagine for kids, laying on the ground and such, the 12.9 would work well. It certainly seems to work for a lot of people, but I had to return mine. If they eventually cut down on the bezels and weight, I could see myself being more interested.
I have 13 days, and the khomo smart cover should be arriving tomorrow, so I'll give it some time before making my decision final. Either way, I do appreciate both the pro 12.9 and the pro 10.5 camp, because the opinions and recommendations from both groups, are helpful and informative.
I'm still waffling in all honesty, though I'm giving the 12.9 some time and see if my usage habits are falling into place. My wife and kids think I should keep it, and I know for their homework (the kids at least), they like the larger iPad.
The 12.9 on-screen keyboard is a dream, right? If the 10.5 had it I'll happily chose it instead. I hate typing on it and even more the 10.5 ASK
The 12.9 on-screen keyboard is a dream, right? If the 10.5 had it I'll happily chose it instead. I hate typing on it and even more the 10.5 ASK
Really? My experience is that I find typing on the 10.5 easier (at least on the on screen keyboard). The 12.9 is more expansive but typing while holding it seems easier for me with the 10.5
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I have the 12.9 and got it as a laptop replacement.. I've set it up using Jump Desktop for tasks that need a full OS (development). That was my main determining factor in getting the 12.9. I couldn't imagine doing Remote Desktop on the 10.5...

That being said, there's a learning curve in how to hold and use it when not on a stand with a keyboard... but I enjoy it. It's a beautiful device!
I find the 12.9 on screen keyboard way better for me. I tried the ASK. It added weight and had positioning issues for me. I have the Apple sleeve. This allows me to position my IPP against the side of the night table without fear of scratching the back. When I charge it, I can rest the iPad on the soft leather surface. When I take it outside, i use my sfbags leeather Muzetto bag, which is specifically designed to carry an iPad. Whether I also use the Apple sleeve in conjunction with the Muzetto bag, when I take the iPad out, remains to be seen. So far I am using the black leather sleeve and black Smart Cover with my gold iPad.
Mike, I’m so glad you shared this story with us! I enjoyed hearing about your journey with the 10.5 and I really enjoyed reading about Apple’s great customer service. That’s one of the things I really like about Apple!

Thanks for the enjoyable read.
To be honest, I was completely dumbfounded when they said they would allow me to exchange the 10.5, for the 12.9, even though I bought it back in June. Yes, I was hoping something positive could come about it, why else would I show up at the apple store with my iPad Pro boxed up, but I was resigned to the fact, that I had missed my window of opportunity. Yet the manager at the Apple store allowed me to "trade up"

Kudos to Apple for such a great customer service move, words cannot really express how grateful I am. They had no reason to help me, but they did.
. . . .

tl;dr I kept quiet about my desire for 12.9, when I shouldn't. Apple's top notch service allowed me to upgrade when I didn't deserve it.

When I consider leaving Apple for something else, I recall the customer service I've received. Apple's customer service puts a brake on such considerations.
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I have a similar tale. I initially bought the 10.5 after a long deliberation between 10.5/12.9, my 9.7 Pro & Smart Keyboard going to my husband and his Air 2 to our youngest son as his iPad 4 was slow and damaged. I was ‘content’ with the 10.5 initially, but my husband showed disappointment that I’d gone for the ‘smaller one’ and he purchased the 12.9 on a whim. We swapped around for about a week and I love the 12.9, and he’s happier with the 10.5. For me, I needed to use it at home. Playing around in the Apple store only gives you a sense of things. Get it home, install your own apps and use it where and how you usually do.

I fell in love with the screen basically, so decided I would ‘cope’. I have the leather Smart Cover, an Acme Made skinny sleeve that has an Apple Pencil slot, so it’s super light. I don’t feel the need for the Smart Keyboard this time as I love the on-screen keyboard, which saves me money and weight. I have a 2014 15” rMBP which is set up more like a desktop, so for me the 12.9 is ‘almost’ a laptop replacement.

If you can keep the 12.9 minimal and light, it’s very portable, especially compared to my 15” laptop. When you start adding the Smart Keyboard, back cases, it quickly gets quite a bit heavier.

I take notes, draw and colour, use split screen a fair bit, but I love watching TV shows and films on it when my boys have some blokey stuff on the TV. The screen is amazing, the speakers are deeper, fuller and louder. There are compromises of course, and in my opinion, for my use, I’m not sure I’d like the bezels reduced too much. Keep it skinny when you use it, and it’s light and gorgeous, and the software Keyboard is a huge improvement for me over the 9.7.

Gosh, this turned into a bit of an essay. Please forgive me. I just wanted to share my experience.

Thanks for reading :)
If you can keep the 12.9 minimal and light, it’s very portable, especially compared to my 15” laptop. When you start adding the Smart Keyboard, back cases, it quickly gets quite a bit heavier.
That's my concern, when I travel, its with a laptop and my iPad, hence my initial purchase of the 10.5 and that worked well when I was out and about.
I've had Apple accept a return of an MBA that was over a month old and the same for the iPad Mini 4 when I thought I was going to school and needed the money for a Mac. They're happy to take more $ from us; especially if we're polite about it.

Congrats on the 12.9". May you enjoy it!
I really want a 12.9" as well, but I'm going to wait 2-3 years until they can reduce the weight and bezels on it. That version will probably also be OLED or mLED and 3X retina. I think the 12.9" is better for web and multitasking, but the 10.5" is good enough for what I do right now. Once I move to doing most of my work on the iPad and they continue making the OS better for Pro use, I'll want a bigger display. Right now 10.5" is a good transition size until the 12.9" is where it needs to be for using in hand while I'm drawing, editing photos or whatever. Enjoy your 12.9"!
I really want a 12.9" as well, but I'm going to wait 2-3 years until they can reduce the weight and bezels on it. That version will probably also be OLED or mLED and 3X retina. I think the 12.9" is better for web and multitasking, but the 10.5" is good enough for what I do right now. Once I move to doing most of my work on the iPad and they continue making the OS better for Pro use, I'll want a bigger display. Right now 10.5" is a good transition size until the 12.9" is where it needs to be for using in hand while I'm drawing, editing photos or whatever. Enjoy your 12.9"!

Your reasoning makes sense. I have a feeling the 12.9"(Like most ipads will probably shrink their bezels in the future). That would make the 12.9" much more holdable. I currently use an old ipad mini 2. Want to upgrade to a pro ipad to sketch on and travel with. Love the 12.9" for the extra screen space, but the 10.5" for it's portability. If Apple released an ipad mini pro, i'd probably get that for when i travel, and a 12.9" for when im not. But since there is no ipad mini pro, and no rumors of one coming...i'm thinking the 10.5" may be the best choice at this time.
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