I voted, "both". These magnetically attach making it easy to switch between the two as the mood strikes. I really dislike onscreen keyboards so having a physical keyboard for emails and office-type productivity is very helpful.I have the 11 inch iPad Pro M4. I currently have both the iPad Magic Keyboard and Smart Folio. I’m deciding which one I should keep.
Don’t like the the new folio, first position is near straight up and down lol, can’t use that and 2nd leans a bit too far back, annoying trying to get the 2nd position set as it’s higher up the iPad, prefer my M1 folio myself, it just locks in at the perfect position easily.
I wound up getting (and keeping) both. The problem with the Magic Keyboard is that it doesn't fold back on itself, meaning it cannot double as a Smart Keyboard for the back protection when I want to use my iPad as a tablet. But I also don't want to get the Logitech folio keyboard as I prefer to use the iPad naked wherever possible (eg: on the bed or sofa) because I prefer to keep it as thin and light as possible.I have the 11 inch iPad Pro M4. I currently have both the iPad Magic Keyboard and Smart Folio. I’m deciding which one I should keep.
Then get a 3rd party folio. Not as nice as Apple’s, but you can find them as low as $20 which makes them fine for occasional use.I was going to do the folio only. But then I got the Magic Keyboard and returned the folio. I couldn’t justify both for my personal use case. The MK update is pretty awesome.