Thank you for the reply!Bought it few days ago
It works very well.
I bought a 2tb SanDisk SSD drive a few months ago. It works great. Someone suggested I download an app called "File Browser" from the app store. I did and it is a big help when using the external drive. Try it, it's free.
stanza.richi I was trying to transfer al my data/files/photos from an older WD 500gb external drive to the Extreme SSD 2TB drive. I was using an Anker hub connected to my IPP with both drives connected to the hub but could not read WD to do transfer. I downloaded the File Browser app and all my drives plus file apps (built in and Documents by Readdle) appeared. Transferring from any of them to another was now possible.
I really like the Sandisk SSD Extreme drive. Works great
stanza.richi I was trying to transfer al my data/files/photos from an older WD 500gb external drive to the Extreme SSD 2TB drive. I was using an Anker hub connected to my IPP with both drives connected to the hub but could not read WD to do transfer. I downloaded the File Browser app and all my drives plus file apps (built in and Documents by Readdle) appeared. Transferring from any of them to another was now possible.
I really like the Sandisk SSD Extreme drive. Works great