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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 6, 2008
Today I tried using my iPad Pro for my first work related task, sending a long email. Starting out things seemed great - I imported photos I needed from my camera's SD card, typed up the email, inserted the 6 photos and everything was great. But then I ran into software issues.

I shoot all my photos in RAW, just because I have a ton of storage space and I'd rather not forget to switch my camera back and end up with an almost awesome shot in jpeg format. This seems to be an issue with the iPad. When I went address the email I found the first problem - the images were sending as RAW files. The image size selector read (Small - 0 MB, Medium - 0 MB, Large - 0MB, Original - 111 MB). Selecting the smaller sizes did nothing. OK, so I'll just send the raw files...nope. Problem number two - You can't send an email over 100MB...This one I am pretty sure is a bug as the alert dialog said that I needed to connect to wifi to send an email with attachments of over 100MB, but I was connected to wifi.

So I try to save a draft. Luckily I exported the text to notes because I figured something else was about to screw up. And it did, Mail crashed. The draft was actually saved, but without any attachments.

In the end I opened notes on my mac and reinserted the images in my desktop browser and sent it off.

I really love the iPad Pro and wish that it could be my primary machine - it is the ultimate casual computer, but things like this just make that impossible. iOS needs some kind of simple file management app that can handle things like this. Also it really needs drag and drop between side by side apps, but I think we will actually get that at some point.

Anyone have any thoughts or solutions on this? Does another email app exist that can handle sending raw images as jpeg previews (I assume apple had good intentions on keeping the raw file format, maybe you want to email yourself a RAW image...but there is no option if you don't want to do that...)
I'm unsure about a file management system, as it seems to not be inline with the simplicity of iOS in general.

But perhaps dragging and dropping between 2 apps is something I can see in the near future. I think this is not only doable, but also likely given side by side multitasking in its current state.
Those are really HUGE files to send by email. In the same position, I'd have first loaded them in Dropbox and include the link in the email.
Yeah, my Exchange server at work wouldn't let me send files that big. That's what collaboration tools like SharePoint and iCloud are for.
Huge files, plus you really don't want to send a raw file to someone, unless you are good with them manipulating it, and/or they have the ability to open raw files. If you don't want to do anything with the photo before sending shoot raw+jpeg so you could just send the jpeg. Or edit the raw file in Lightroom or any other app that you can use raw files with, then export it as a jpg or other file for sending.
Or just shoot RAW+jpeg, as every camera with RAW allows, and import just the jpeg for e-mail purposes …
Today I tried using my iPad Pro for my first work related task, sending a long email. Starting out things seemed great - I imported photos I needed from my camera's SD card, typed up the email, inserted the 6 photos and everything was great. But then I ran into software issues.

I shoot all my photos in RAW, just because I have a ton of storage space and I'd rather not forget to switch my camera back and end up with an almost awesome shot in jpeg format. This seems to be an issue with the iPad. When I went address the email I found the first problem - the images were sending as RAW files. The image size selector read (Small - 0 MB, Medium - 0 MB, Large - 0MB, Original - 111 MB). Selecting the smaller sizes did nothing. OK, so I'll just send the raw files...nope. Problem number two - You can't send an email over 100MB...This one I am pretty sure is a bug as the alert dialog said that I needed to connect to wifi to send an email with attachments of over 100MB, but I was connected to wifi.

So I try to save a draft. Luckily I exported the text to notes because I figured something else was about to screw up. And it did, Mail crashed. The draft was actually saved, but without any attachments.

In the end I opened notes on my mac and reinserted the images in my desktop browser and sent it off.

I really love the iPad Pro and wish that it could be my primary machine - it is the ultimate casual computer, but things like this just make that impossible. iOS needs some kind of simple file management app that can handle things like this. Also it really needs drag and drop between side by side apps, but I think we will actually get that at some point.

Anyone have any thoughts or solutions on this? Does another email app exist that can handle sending raw images as jpeg previews (I assume apple had good intentions on keeping the raw file format, maybe you want to email yourself a RAW image...but there is no option if you don't want to do that...)

What you are asking for isn't a reasonable expectation.

1. The image size selector read zero because there is no way to compress/resize a raw file on the fly like you can with JPG. The fact that it displays as it does with 0 - 0 - 0 - 111mb shows that they do support raw pretty well recognizing that it can send but can't reduce.

2. Most email systems cannot send files that large. period. The fact that you can from your laptop is great, but that is not typical or standard by any means. You could take a poll of probably 100 people here and maybe 1 or 2 could do what you do with files that large via email. To expect the iPad to do something most people can't do on a laptop or desktop isn't reasonable.

3. I would imaging mail would crash, I'm pretty sure outlook on my desktop would crash too :)

4. iOS does need some file management, couldn't agree more!

5. What most people would do is upload the files to something like dropbox, onedrive, icloud, etc. and then in the email just send a link to those files or put them in a shared folder and just send a link to that one folder. You really don't wan't that amount of data to have to get relayed from your computer, to your mail system, to the users mail system then down to the users computers. You've just quadrupled the data needed. That's typically why they limit how big the files can be when sent via email, it's hugely inefficient for those mail servers to handle, and that can impact other incoming mail for other users, etc.

6. Typically isn't there a JPG Preview stored in a RAW file?? That's not dependent on the mail system, that just depends on how the person is "viewing" the raw file. Some apps will be smart enough to display the JPG Preview out of the raw file and some won't. That is entirely independent of the email application, that is just "transporting" the file.

7. If you have to email, I would look for a webased app that, when you attach a file, it actually uploads that file to the web so when you are done "composing" your message the files have already been uploaded. That way when you it "send", they can go right out and not have to then upload in bulk.

I would look at using an upload service though, I think you would be much happier with the overall experience and the additional space saving / processing time of sending raw files around.
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