Im am curious to find out if iOS 11 is causing issues on other peoples iPad’s or if I am alone in these issues. Essentially I restored to iOS 11 and have since updated to iOS 11.1. Other then some annoying microstuttering I thought my issues were resolved but they have since started up again. The large issue is my notification panel taking 4-5 seconds to actually animate and display once I have swiped down from the top of my display. My iPad’s display is also unresponsive after unlocking the device. It’s so weird its like everything is frozen then it just resumes normal operation. My home button also doesn’t immediately wake my device. I find myself hitting it 2-3 times if it even repsonds at all, sometimes I have to click the power button to wake my device because the home button is just not waking the display but it does detect and unlock my iPad because the display just pops up no lock screen to speak of. Maybe my iPad is broken but I dont see how that is possible as it worked flawlessly on iOS 10 and I haven’t dropped it or anything. These problems only arose since I’ve migrated to iOS 11. I’m mainly curious if my issues are isolated or if others are having similar issues mainly with the iPad becoming unresponsive mainly related to home screen functions and the Notification Center.