I'm guessing the new iPad pro can not take an external drive? Only reason why I ask, would be nice to really replace a laptop, but storage is an issue. Any idea if you can do it yet?
awesome, you know for some reason i never thought about a wireless drive. So do you have to have internet to use it though? have only had wired. like on a plane, etc. when working would I be able to connect without internet?
These devices create their own local network that you connect to - the Internet is not involved. I have the RAVPower and it works great with my Air 2 and my Android tablet and phone.
Nice! never heard of this. So just hook up an external hard drive to it and done? Does the hard drive mount on the iPad? How do you access it / save files to it / move files from it? Or now that I think about it, might be an app?
BTW, thanks for the info on this! really appreciate it
Do you need to jailbreak your iPad in order to do this?
Nice! never heard of this. So just hook up an external hard drive to it and done? Does the hard drive mount on the iPad? How do you access it / save files to it / move files from it? Or now that I think about it, might be an app?
BTW, thanks for the info on this! really appreciate it
These wireless drives are interesting. Did not think of that. I will check into them Monday.
Thanks Sir. Am researching them on the internet right now.I replied to your post in another thread on this - they do work great.
There's quite a few options available, but there's a couple of important points to consider when you're choosing.
First up and I think really important is make sure whichever you choose is pass through capable, not all of them are. It might seem like a little thing, but you'd soon get plenty annoyed if you had to keep disconnecting from the drive to access the internet. Having pass through gives you access to both the wires storage and Internet simultaneously.
Second one is the obvious one, speed. Almost all of them are a/b/g/n which isn't bad. But if you're going to transfer a lot of bigger files, the faster you can get the better. At the moment the only one I know of (I spent weeks researching the buggers before I bought mine) that has wireless ac is the Kingston G3, the extra speed comes in handy.
And don't underestimate the importance of battery life. It's not only good for keeping the unit going but some of them let you use their battery as an emergency charger for your device as well.
One other aspect that came in handy for me - ability to take an Ethernet input and act as a standard wireless router. There are still places out there with wired but not wireless connectivity (or with good wired and lousy wireless connections available).
Yes. I also want to see this.Western Digital myCloud works with it, I'm sure there are others.
I'd like to see a Smart Connector external drive..
so i got the ravpower hub and I was able to get it mounted to my iPad. Having an issue of actually opening the file and being able to edit it. When I open the file, its more like a PDF where I can read it only. This is a file done in pages (and I DO have pages installed on my iPad). Also tried with another file done in Keynote, same thing is happening. I cannot edit it. I transferred it to my iPad. Am I doing something wrong?
Look for the share icon (rectangle with an arrow pointing up) or a more icon (three dots). Then pick "open in..." and copy to Pages, Keynote, or whichever app you want to use to edit the file.
Look for the share icon (rectangle with an arrow pointing up) or a more icon (three dots). Then pick "open in..." and copy to Pages, Keynote, or whichever app you want to use to edit the file.
If browsing a folder on the USB drive attached to the FileHub using the the FileHub Plus app, there is no share or more icon - you have to long-press on the document icon and then the menu opens.
Ack! That's bad app UI design. *sigh*
Not uncommon, though - FileBrowser works the same way, using a long-press to to get a selection menu. GoodReader also has you select a file then select from a side menu.