I understand what you are trying to do. For several years, at home, I used a Mac Mini for desktop tasks and an iPad mobile, and it worked fine. At work, I had a Macbook that was provided by my employer. Before I retired, I purchased a Macbook Air for myself, since I planned to do some consulting, and I would no longer have access to my employer provided laptop. I sold the iPad as well, and I have been very happy with just the Macbook Air and iPhone for getting stuff done.
When you mentioned using the iPad pro for school, I figured that you might still have access to a desktop computer, and you would no longer have a laptop. I also assumed that you were a college student (b/c I have two kids in college...so that's what jumped into my head). Anyway, for college students, who do a huge amount of content creation away from their desktop whilst at libraries, labs, classrooms and study groups, I think a good laptop is essential, and I would be nervous about giving that up for a tablet.
My two cents.