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Thx!! Just grabbed one as well. I really hope I like it better than the Logitech Create. That thing is way to heavy and bulky.
Thx!! Just grabbed one as well. I really hope I like it better than the Logitech Create. That thing is way to heavy and bulky.
I really wanted to like to Create keyboard, but I lifted one at BB and I swear it's heaver than the IPP! Ah, well, I can live without the backlight and specialized keys, I guess...
Do they charge your credit card when you order or when it's shipped?
Ur welcome guys! I'm surprised it's still available, must've gotten a huge order...I think they charge ur card when it's shipped
I really wanted to like to Create keyboard, but I lifted one at BB and I swear it's heaver than the IPP! Ah, well, I can live without the backlight and specialized keys, I guess...

Man, I really wanted to like the Apple keyboard because of how heavy the Create is. But after using both for awhile, I've found the backlit keyboard, special keys and sturdier stand to be invaluable. To each his own!
I tried the IPP keyboard for the past couple of weeks and found that I personally didn't use it as much as I thought I would so returned it last night to BB in Alexandria, VA, so if anyone wants an open box buy price on one it's there.
I also tried to like the Create but like everyone else has said, that thing is just a monstrosity to carry around all the time. I guess if you type 90% of the time then fine, but remember, you have to tote and manage that heft 100% of the time so it wasn't worth it to me. I might try the Apple one at some point and I was ready to buy a few weeks ago but now that I've gotten so used to the larger/better software keyboard I might hold off. I am using the standard Create case which is pretty nice and gives a nice range of angles and typing position. It's still a little heavy but not nearly as bad as the keyboard model and the sturdiness is great.
FYI. It appeared to me that the order will be in processing state until the current inventory has been exhausted.
My IFTTT recipe noted "out of stock" and within 10 minutes received I a shipping notice.

When the Pencil was in stock it seemed to deplete quickly and received shipping notification within hours of ordering, also within mintues of IFTTT out of stock notification.
I received mine today and I love it. Also have the Logitech Create and I can actually type faster and better in the ASK. I much prefer the ASK for carrying around as well and it's easier to take off if you don't want to use the keyboard,
ipad pro keyboard available now at BB
Just wanted to say thanks for the heads up. I jumped on this Sunday night and am now enjoying my new smart keyboard! Canceled my Apple order that wasn't going to ship for another 5 weeks. Really love the keyboard, too.
This really makes ordering directly from Apple feel like a mistake. Can't believe Best Buy and even local book stores are getting them in before Apple does
I just wanted to say I am really enjoying my keyboard. It props up perfect on my lap, in my bed, on my desk.

With the smartcover, I am always somewhat concerned it will give out and topple over. Not with the smart keyboard!
I've had a Pro since the day after release.

I finally received the pencil and keyboard on Thursday. I must say, they didn't blow me away.

Both are beautifully engineered and work nicely. However, I realize that I love the Pro as a big iPad, and I don't need it to be more. Now I must decide on returning them or selling them.

The pencil I don't think I'd ever use.

The keyboard works beautifully but I don't need to type enough on the iPad to have the extra weight compared to a Smart Cover. And keeping it on the shelf "just in case" I need to type, wouldn't' be worth it. Oh well, we learn.
I've had a Pro since the day after release.

I finally received the pencil and keyboard on Thursday. I must say, they didn't blow me away.

Both are beautifully engineered and work nicely. However, I realize that I love the Pro as a big iPad, and I don't need it to be more. Now I must decide on returning them or selling them.

The pencil I don't think I'd ever use.

The keyboard works beautifully but I don't need to type enough on the iPad to have the extra weight compared to a Smart Cover. And keeping it on the shelf "just in case" I need to type, wouldn't' be worth it. Oh well, we learn.
You bought things you didn't need
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Both the Pencil & Keyboard is at BB now..
My local Apple Stores both got shipments of the Keyboard last night too. I ended up buying one even though I had convinced myself I wouldn't...such a sucker. ;)

They still have some available for pickup last time I checked.
My local Apple Stores both got shipments of the Keyboard last night too. I ended up buying one even though I had convinced myself I wouldn't...such a sucker. ;)

They still have some available for pickup last time I checked.

Odd. Yesterday... Didn't have any for availability for pickup. But I just checked now.. There's local Apple Stores that have some in stock.
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