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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 19, 2008
Haven't seen any comments on this yet but is this new product intended to be used on the lap? Seems like it might be quite awkward/not feasible. Guess we may need to wait for the official reviews of the product.
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macrumors 68040
Haven't seen any comments on this yet but is this new product intended to be used on the lap? Seems like it might be quite awkward/not feasible. Guess we may need to wait for the official reviews of the product.

One of the Apple videos of the new iPad Pro does show a woman using it on her lap. You have to assume that Apple would test this very likely scenario. I’m sure there will be situations where the iPad is too far up and back to maintain a stable platform, but it should work in lots of scenarios.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 19, 2008
Thanks for the suggestion, I watched it and you're right, looks like that was tested!


Aug 19, 2002
Mid-West USA
Haven't seen any comments on this yet but is this new product intended to be used on the lap? Seems like it might be quite awkward/not feasible. Guess we may need to wait for the official reviews of the product.

I think this brings up and interesting question. I use a Apple Keyboard folio, the original one for the 2018 iPad 12.9”. I have not found it good to use on my lap. It is unsteady and awkward to use on my lap. I doubt the new trackpad version will be any better, and maybe worse.

Don’t get me wrong. I want to buy the new Magic Trackpad Keyboard folio. Even though it is pricey. But back to my observation about use on a lap.

I dug out an iSkelter brand ”lapdesk”. It is pretty heavy duty piece of wood. But it works well with my iPad and the Apple keyboard folio. A little heavy to be sure. But, I’m sure there are many brands out their that could be used on the lap with Apple Magic Trackpad folio once it is release. Just so you get an idea of what I’m talking about. I see this company’s wares are back ordered.

Yes, I know people want portability and a “lapdesk” type of accessory may not be portable. I wonder if there any foldable ones out there that could somehow remain rigid enough for lap use?
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macrumors 6502
Aug 19, 2010
One of the Apple videos of the new iPad Pro does show a woman using it on her lap. You have to assume that Apple would test this very likely scenario. I’m sure there will be situations where the iPad is too far up and back to maintain a stable platform, but it should work in lots of scenarios.

Can you point me to this video? I watched the video at but didn't see the person using it on her lap. Is there another video? Thanks in advance.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2017
I can use the smart keybaord folio in my lap so I would figure this one would be just as good or better.


macrumors member
Dec 4, 2018
I'm sure it can be used on the lap. Whether or not it's a good experience is an entirely different story. The Surface Pro line can be used on the lap, but it's not great.

It'll all depend on how sturdy/weighty the bottom portion will be and whether or not it can balance the weight of the iPad (especially the larger one). I'm inclined to believe it's probably not the best experience, otherwise they would've advertised it as so in the promo video. Hard to believe they'd pass up the opportunity to boast about the feature considering other 2-in-1's don't quite deliver that excellent experience.


Aug 19, 2002
Mid-West USA
I'm sure it can be used on the lap. Whether or not it's a good experience is an entirely different story. The Surface Pro line can be used on the lap, but it's not great.

It'll all depend on how sturdy/weighty the bottom portion will be and whether or not it can balance the weight of the iPad (especially the larger one). I'm inclined to believe it's probably not the best experience, otherwise they would've advertised it as so in the promo video. Hard to believe they'd pass up the opportunity to boast about the feature considering other 2-in-1's don't quite deliver that excellent experience.

It has been awhile since I’ve used a laptop computer (all Apple MacBooks BTW). I have a feeling that while positioned on a lap, ease of use/comfort/safety might favor a laptop vs. theMagic Trackpad Folio. I’m also guessing the body type of the person might make a difference. Legs are not all created equal ;)

Luckily, it would be a rare occasion that I would be using the iPad on my lap outside my home. I’ve got a couple of laptop lap desks that work fairly well if I find I‘m on the couch, or in bed.

In the end I really want the option to use my iPad 2018 12.9” with the Magic Trackpad Keyboars Folio. For travel I’d leave my original Apple Keyboard folio at home, and bring along the original plain old Apple folio, and the new Magic Trackpad Keyboard Folio. As they always say, “Your mileage may vary.”


macrumors member
Dec 4, 2018
It's also not a big deal to me because I'm never going to be doing serious typing on my lap anyway. At least not often for it to be deal breaker. I envision I would just take the iPad off the case to use more casually if it's in my lap.


macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2005
This has to be one of the main use-cases for potential buyers of the Magic Keyboard so I’m sure it will work. I’m still a bit nervous about how stable it will be as the ”base” seems pretty thin, bit its a good bit thicker than the existing Smart Keyboard folio, so I’m optimistic.


macrumors 65816
Sep 20, 2014
The regular smart keyboard is fairly stable on the lap, and has minimal ballast. This new one with the trackpad weighs more, so even though it looks to have some top heaviness, the extra weight may counteract that. I'm sure it's not bad that way. I mean, the iPad will never feel as stable on a lap as a laptop anyway. I think just by looking at it you get a good idea what we are looking at. Could fall over if you make sudden moves, etc.
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