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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 19, 2011
new jersey
Do you guys think eventually iPad Pro will replace Wacom Board's in the future? Will there be connectivity from iPad Pro to Mac computers using graphic software's like photoshop and illustrator and be able to draw on the iPad to the Mac computer?
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 19, 2011
new jersey
I am wondering about this too!

If the new iPad pro can replace the wacom board, then I see the $750 price tag acceptable... I really would love to see being able to load OSX on the iPad pro in the future too since it now has enough ram (4gigs) to run a light version of it. I don't see any use for that keyboard unless you're typing papers because thats all you can really use it for. Whats the point of being hands free if you still have to use your finger to click and do things, everything else but type.


macrumors regular
May 28, 2014
Silicon Valley
agreed, if the ipad pro can replace a wacom tablet it will displace the entire industry, and could be pretty exciting.
Heh yes if they really want that keyboard to up the productivity add a trackpad so you dont have to leave the keyboard to touch something.... oh wait they have a device for that.

I fail to see ipad Pro as really replacing a macbook pro for high productivity stuff, but as a new artists / designer / draftsman dream tool, that could be awesome.

Now could the iPad Pro with keyboard replace the macbook as a college freshman's go to device? I'm not sure either, I dont think this one will do that, but interesting idea, maybe future iterations.


macrumors regular
May 28, 2014
Silicon Valley
yeah, and the new multi tasking stuff (software and hardware) should really help. I loved my iPad 2 in college for notes but it could never be my only device. The iPad Air is almost there, but it would still be a nightmare, just not enough RAM. (i havent tried the Air 2)


macrumors regular
May 28, 2014
Silicon Valley
thats pretty cool, looks like currently at least its still limited to the accuracy of bluetooth styluses, which is not that great IMO. Now AstroPad + iPad Pro and we have the solution we're looking for.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2009
thats pretty cool, looks like currently at least its still limited to the accuracy of bluetooth styluses, which is not that great IMO. Now AstroPad + iPad Pro and we have the solution we're looking for.

Apple stylus + iPad Pro is the goal. "AstroPad" makers have already got five stylus options. I don't think the Apple pen will be long coming and the lag should be minimal. Plus usb connection if it is.

No I don't work for them. But could do with a job [-| (serious face)


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macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Do you guys think eventually iPad Pro will replace Wacom Board's in the future? Will there be connectivity from iPad Pro to Mac computers using graphic software's like photoshop and illustrator and be able to draw on the iPad to the Mac computer?
One of the reasons I'm picking one up... to see if it's up to snuff.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Please do report back once you get it, would love to hear what you think about it. The missus is eyeballing one for her digital design and if it's better than the Cintiq, my wallet will be lighter :p
Absolutely. I'll order one as soon as they are available. Please remind to post back to this thread, because I certainly will forget by the time it arrives with the 'new toy' excitement.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 19, 2011
new jersey
Absolutely. I'll order one as soon as they are available. Please remind to post back to this thread, because I certainly will forget by the time it arrives with the 'new toy' excitement.

The only problem I see with the iPad pro vs Wacom board is the iPad may be more distracting with all of the apps and notifications that may pop up while we're designing. Where a Wacom board serves just one purpose.


macrumors 68040
Aug 29, 2009
The only problem I see with the iPad pro vs Wacom board is the iPad may be more distracting with all of the apps and notifications that may pop up while we're designing. Where a Wacom board serves just one purpose.
Do Not Disturb is a nice feature they added to iOS.


macrumors 65816
Feb 28, 2012
United States
At the price point of the iPad Pro, Apple is aiming their product to tackle the Wacom Cintiq. I'm sure because of the name alone and wider audience, the iPad Pro could catch on more, but I do not think it would replace the Wacom tablet in general.
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