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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 9, 2009

I have an iPad Air 2. I was using Zite last night (aggregated news, etc). I use the top 20 section a lot, I went on one, a top twenty one. And I got a pop up (more like an alert which pops up) saying "your iPad now has a porn virus" and the only option was to press ok WHICH I DID NOT PRESS. Now I wasn't even on porn or anything but it must have been aggregated to Zite from a dodgy website. I just shut down the app, closed it and restarted it and everything was fine.

That one story didn't even show up on the top twenty (I may have pressed "block source at the bottom".

Anyway - my question is, do I actually have a virus on my iPad?

I came home and went to restore my iPad. But I noticed my iCloud backup has already occurred so that may not help right?

As I said before, everything appears to be running fine.

thanks in advance.
Anyway - my question is, do I actually have a virus on my iPad?
There are no iOS viruses in the wild, and the only iOS malware that exists can only affect jailbroken devices. Any website can have a popup advertisement that claims you've been infected, but that doesn't make it true.
I have IPad4 running IOS 9. Last night had a pop up from IOS 9 tech support, saying Ihave virus on my I pad, they tell me to call this number 1 866-269-7572, to tell you how to remove the virus, the top of the pop up I see from http:// Is this ligitimate side from Apple or IOS support? Anyone ever experience somethings like this?or can you get virus on IPad with IOS 9. I just turn off my I pad till I get the answer.
I have IPad4 running IOS 9. Last night had a pop up from IOS 9 tech support, saying Ihave virus on my I pad, they tell me to call this number 1 866-269-7572, to tell you how to remove the virus, the top of the pop up I see from http:// Is this ligitimate side from Apple or IOS support? Anyone ever experience somethings like this?or can you get virus on IPad with IOS 9. I just turn off my I pad till I get the answer.
This isn't a virus, it's just a popup from a website which is trying to fool you into thinking you have a virus. Just close the popup and move on.
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