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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 20, 2018
Hey Guys,

I got the iPhone 11 last week and been a little concerned about it’s battery drain. Currently on iOS 13.3 and it drains about 1% perhour in standby/not in use and that leads to around 9-12% drain overnight (I usually sleep around 8hours). I’ve been checking it for a few days now and didn’t think this was normal considering my iPad barely takes 1% overnight but did think phone would take more considering it has cellular.

I’ve tried it with low power mode and it still drains about the same. I’ve let it be a few days before posting here too just in case it was indexing.

Things I’ve done:
- Disabled hey siri, touch to wake, rise to wake, screen time, push notifications(and set fetch to 30minutes)
- Tried a reset and set up from scratch
- Killed all apps after using it

I don’t usually plug my phone in overnight and charged it to full/almost full before going to bed. I might consider this now with battery optimisation but yeah now a bit concerned about its standby time and draining battery whilst not in use.

Other possible factors I thought about was cell signal wasn’t the best and usually at 1-2bars but that shouldn’t make it this much though right?

Any suggestions?
It's very likely due to your weak cell signal. Try turning on airplane mode overnight but keeping wifi on to see how much it drains.

I’ll try this tonight!

Check your Battery section under Settings and see if it can give you more clues?

Yeah that’s the first thing I did unfortunately it just shows usage app not available between the times and just blank but battery graph looks like it’s going down.

What I find strange on your battery graph is those grey bars, mine are all green, like this, for example:


It is in French, but you should see what I mean...
What I find strange on your battery graph is those grey bars, mine are all green

oh,they were grey because I made a selection on one of the times to show that it says “usage time not Available at the times “.

Force quit all apps and put it in airplane mode overnight & see what happens

Also an update, I turned on airplane mode but with wifi and bluetooth on last night but didn’t force close all apps(forgot to do it) and it shows something interesting this time. It seems that it might’ve been my fitness tracker and its app draining the battery since it still drains about 7% overnight. I’m going to try again tonight with same thing but after removing the app.
One percent drain an hour is not bad at all.

Enjoy your phone and stop obsessing about a battery problem that isn’t there.

Yeah it’s not bad but it’s not normal either so that’s why I’m trying to find the source making sure it isn’t hardware related.

Thanks, saw this video a while ago and already had disabled some of the things they recommended.

Also thanks for all the replies and suggestions! It seems that the battery drain was because of an app for my fitness tracker. Even after disabling background refresh and force closing it, it still seems still running in the background. I’m assuming its just checking for notifications to send to the smartband, since it doesn’t seem to sync information like steps and heart rate when forced closed. So I tried uninstalling it to see if I get the same battery drain overnight (with airplane mode) and seems have worked as it shows 0% drain. I’m sure with cellular it will drain some but would probably be less than 1%/hour.
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