Hi I'm looking at switching to the iPhone 12 mini from my note 20 ultra just wanted to ask a few questions
How are people finding the 12 mini is it too small or is it still nice to watch videos etc? I've been a full time android user but I've recently bought a ipad Pro (the biggest one) so I was thinking of getting a smaller phone as I've always gone for big phone but I'm getting sick of carrying them around now 😆
Will me getting an ipad I thought it would make sense to get an iPhone so it's all in the same eco system (might get the apple watch too 🤔)
I listen to a lot of music but I have a app on my note 20 where it boosts the volume over bluetooth is something like that possible with ios?
Also is the mini loosing flagship features over say the 12 Pro max ie camera quality ect
How are people finding the 12 mini is it too small or is it still nice to watch videos etc? I've been a full time android user but I've recently bought a ipad Pro (the biggest one) so I was thinking of getting a smaller phone as I've always gone for big phone but I'm getting sick of carrying them around now 😆
Will me getting an ipad I thought it would make sense to get an iPhone so it's all in the same eco system (might get the apple watch too 🤔)
I listen to a lot of music but I have a app on my note 20 where it boosts the volume over bluetooth is something like that possible with ios?
Also is the mini loosing flagship features over say the 12 Pro max ie camera quality ect