Is it worth it? Phone is paid off and only considering upgrading because of the trade-in value right now vs next year for the 13 Pro max.
I usually upgrade every two years but skipped over the 15.
I think what it comes down to for me is the trade-in value I'll get this year vs. next year. So I've decided to upgrade to the 16 PM.
Trade-in value is my concern as well. This is the real topic of conversation.
Will 13 Pro Max retain its relative trade-in value in 2025 for #17? To expound, will #17 make *the* leap into tech that (a) not only definitively sets it apart from #11/12--16 but also (b) totally destroys the trade-in value of "deprecated" tech that leaves us no choice but to recoup any pittance in trade-in value?"
These are the current trade-in values for Pro Max models and net-cost for #16PM 256 GB (*base storage) at $1200:
PM# $trade-in $net-cost
11 180 1020
12 300 900
13 400 800
14 500 700
15 650 550
Can we assume 13PM will retain a trade-in value of $300 in 2025 for #17 (*relative to the value of 12PM in 2024)?
If so, a 2025 $300 trade-in value would be OK to wait for #17PM if base storage costs $1200. That is a $900 net-cost for #17PM.
Otherwise, if we do (a) trade-in 13PM for 16PM for $400 at a net-cost of $800, and then (b) trade-in 16PM for 17PM while assuming the trade-in value of 16PM is at most or less $650 for a net-cost of $550 (==$1200 – 650), which means (c) the net-cost to own 16PM and 17PM over two years is $1350 (*also see note [1]), which puts net-cost in the RED to own "deprecated" #16 and "advanced" #17 tech vs. a $900--1200 hypothetical net-cost for 17PM if we skip #16.
However, the worst case scenario is the 2025 trade-in value of 13PM totally tanks below $200. I wouldn't be surprised if APPL totally wiped out trade-in for #7--X series models and replaced that segment with #11--13 models.
[1] Net-cost to own 16 Plus and 17PM with 2024 13PM trade-in value is $1270 if you can tolerate a Plus model for one year (*see note [2]).
[2] 16 Plus 128 GB == $900; 2024 trade-in values for 15 Plus $430 and 14 Plus $320
arrrrgh AAPL is the master of this BS combo of pricing strategy and unpredictable increments. I waste more time and energy with this annual guessing-game than its worth to save one or two hundred dollars. 😂