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macrumors 604
Original poster
Sep 24, 2012
It's the end of the year and my 14PM still can not scan barcodes while using many different apps, eBay, Amazon ETC.

This is just plain ridiculous that a phone of this caliber cannot focus on a barcode.

I have tried everything with no luck at all. Is my phone defective?

Is there something I have not tried?
If you already tried everything like force restart etc. I would bring the device to your closest Apple Store. Sometimes they can find hidden defects with their diagnosis tools that you cannot see/find.
I can scan barcodes with my 14 Pro using the Amazon app, but the item has to be quite far away before the camera focuses. Close up, the camera doesn't switch over to Macro mode (like the Camera app does) so maybe it's an app issue.
Same issue here. None of the shopping apps I use will scan barcodes unless they are bigger and the phone is held farther away.
I use the Sam’s club app in store and I have no problems scanning items. 14 pro max user.
Usually to scan any barcode, the main camera is deployed and for this year 14 pro lienup has upgraded the camera sensor but degraded its shortest focus distance. So I think apps have to be coded in such a way that it uses wide camera to read the bar codes from close distance.
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I have a 14 Pro Max and have 0 issues scanning items through apps. I mostly use Sam’s Club and Walmart+ to scan my items before paying them.
I think it is dependent on the app. I had no problem with Amazon but the app for the local grocery store is completely useless.
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It's the end of the year and my 14PM still can not scan barcodes while using many different apps, eBay, Amazon ETC.

This is just plain ridiculous that a phone of this caliber cannot focus on a barcode.

I have tried everything with no luck at all. Is my phone defective?

Is there something I have not tried?
Your phone isn't defective. I have the same problem.

I think it comes down to the focal length of the camera. Too close and it can't focus on it. then when you pull it back, the bar code is too small to read.
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Usually to scan any barcode, the main camera is deployed and for this year 14 pro lienup has upgraded the camera sensor but degraded its shortest focus distance. So I think apps have to be coded in such a way that it uses wide camera to read the bar codes from close distance.
Can't wait for 15pro
Your phone isn't defective. I have the same problem.

I think it comes down to the focal length of the camera. Too close and it can't focus on it. then when you pull it back, the bar code is too small to read.
This is exactly how it acts. And the barcodes the store supplies for scanning are really small.
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This is exactly how it acts. And the barcodes the store supplies for scanning are really small.
IMO apple screwed the pooch with the camera this round. They went big and seemingly forgot how it would affect every day use.
When setting up wyze and amazon cameras and switches, I had to use my 2018 ipad pro to scan the barcodes.
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It's the end of the year and my 14PM still can not scan barcodes while using many different apps, eBay, Amazon ETC.

This is just plain ridiculous that a phone of this caliber cannot focus on a barcode.

I have tried everything with no luck at all. Is my phone defective?

Is there something I have not tried?
hey take a photo of the qr code then on your computer you can make it big enough and it will scan.
It's the end of the year and my 14PM still can not scan barcodes while using many different apps, eBay, Amazon ETC.

This is just plain ridiculous that a phone of this caliber cannot focus on a barcode.

I have tried everything with no luck at all. Is my phone defective?

Is there something I have not tried?
Try doing a screenshot or take a photo, then get it to your computer, you can make the qr code image larger so the phone can scan it,
IMO apple screwed the pooch with the camera this round. They went big and seemingly forgot how it would affect every day use.
When setting up wyze and amazon cameras and switches, I had to use my 2018 ipad pro to scan the barcodes.
take a photo of the qr code, get it onto your computer where you can enlarge it, then the phone can focus and scan it.
take a photo of the qr code, get it onto your computer where you can enlarge it, then the phone can focus and scan it.
Cool, but we really shouldn’t have to jump through such hoops to do what most other phones can do with no issues. And while that works well enough for things like QR codes to install things, it’s a non-starter for using shopping apps in a store. On my Note 20, I could get close to a barcode and it was nice and sharp and it would be picked up instantly. With the 14 Pro Max, getting up close results in a blurred out and unreadable barcode. Pulling the phone further away is hit or miss. Some apps can read the barcode and for some, it is too small. The problem is not being able to get close enough to scan it without it being out of focus. It is a completely different feel compared to using other phones that allow you to get close to the barcode.
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Cool, but we really shouldn’t have to jump through such hoops to do what most other phones can do with no issues. And while that works well enough for things like QR codes to install things, it’s a non-starter for using shopping apps in a store. On my Note 20, I could get close to a barcode and it was nice and sharp and it would be picked up instantly. With the 14 Pro Max, getting up close results in a blurred out and unreadable barcode. Pulling the phone further away is hit or miss. Some apps can read the barcode and for some, it is too small. The problem is not being able to get close enough to scan it without it being out of focus. It is a completely different feel compared to using other phones that allow you to get close to the barcode.
Oh believe me I agree, hopefully it will be fixed. I am so excited to get my google authenticator this way. I was almost out of ideas. Whew!
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