With iphone 15 Pro Max, I'm assuming any focal length between 24mm and 120mm will just be a crop of the main 48mp sensor? That's a huge zoom range to rely on sensor crop. In such case will the iphone 15 pro (and 14 pro) offer better image quality than the max between the range of the pro's 77mm 3x lens and 120mm 5x lens of max? I'm assuming in zooms above 77mm, the pro will crop the 3x lens and not the main 24mm lens? Not that I'm horribly impressed with the quality of my 14 pro's 3x lens, it still has slightly better image quality then cropping a 48mp, 24mm shot.
If what I'm assuming it's true, it's something to take into consideration between choosing between the 15 pro and pro max. It would have been nice if Apple kept the 3x lens in addition to the 5x lens in the pro max. I generally keep my iphone for at least 3 years and I'm hoping in the next generation or two, Apple will add more than one 48mp camera. It would be a nice treat if the 3x sensor was 48mp.
If what I'm assuming it's true, it's something to take into consideration between choosing between the 15 pro and pro max. It would have been nice if Apple kept the 3x lens in addition to the 5x lens in the pro max. I generally keep my iphone for at least 3 years and I'm hoping in the next generation or two, Apple will add more than one 48mp camera. It would be a nice treat if the 3x sensor was 48mp.