A capacitive Action Button would mean cutouts instead of covered buttons for all iPhone cases I guess
Live Activities feel like they're held back by their limitations, like not being able to schedule them to start automatically or for a certain duration.Dynamic island and live activities is to the iPhone what the Touch Bar was for the MacBook Pro.
right now yes. But the Lock Screen is such wasted space. live activities looked like such a gamechanger to provide quick glances for info and it’s just…unused. I’ve been impressed with the workout portion on the lock screen when on a bike ride, but that’s been it.Dynamic island and live activities is to the iPhone what the Touch Bar was for the MacBook Pro.
Less moving parts, less to break, less for Apple to have to cover under warranty.Apple is desperate to get rid of mechanical buttons.
Oh, I understand why, in theory, it’s just kind of a shame.Less moving parts, less to break, less for Apple to have to cover under warranty.
youre not alone. I understand that a better location for the action button would have avoided mistaken presses.The action button. 2 months later and it’s only use for me is accidentally putting my iPhone in a focus while trying to change the volume.
i've never had a mute switch break on me.Less moving parts, less to break, less for Apple to have to cover under warranty.
Wasn't aware there was a high failure rate for iPhone buttonsLess moving parts, less to break, less for Apple to have to cover under warranty.
I wouldn’t be shocked once AI takes over our daily lives, if Apple will become SJ’s Xerox reference.It was either this or Phil Schillers ass, I'm sorry..
The touchbar was a nice feature that legacy port supporters targeted until Apple retired it, I still miss it every day. DI a AB are minor “features”, in Steve & co. days they would not even be advertised, they would have been part of giant iPhone evolutions, such as removing physical buttons and ports altogether.Dynamic island and live activities is to the iPhone what the Touch Bar was for the MacBook Pro.
Why? I don't have an iPhone 15 Pro but I d like it on my Apple Watch Ultra. I assign a shortcut and I can do whatever I want. I guess the advanced users would make it more useful than the average Joe.To me the action button is gimmicky
You do not even have an Action Button, but you call it "Meh" because you failed to take advantage of earlier iPhone features?Meh. I have the 14 pro and honestly the biggest feature I purchased it for is barely utilized. I thought live activities would be this groundbreaking feature and they never really took off to take advantage of the AOD.
Not sure if there’s a reason to upgrade if Apple and developers are not going to double down on these features. It feels like a missed opportunity.
Sure except I use the volume for volume...I've been using the volume up button for camera capture for years. Wouldn't that free up the action button for you for something else?
What is an iPhone case?A capacitive Action Button would mean cutouts instead of covered buttons for all iPhone cases I guess