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Dec 7, 2014
I have an iphone 4s. I decided to just upgrade my iphone software to the latest version 9.0.2 because I had my battery replaced due to my battery keep going out when it was not even 20%. I was on version 8.0 i believe. Well even after the battery replacement, it seemed like my phone would go out a lot faster than it normally should. Thus back then phone would go out when its 2 percent etc but even replacing the battery, the battery goes out similar to before when i replaced id.

Well when i did the upgrade, i had my iphone connected to my laptop and it was 40% only. I saw that if you do the update, have at least 50 percent i believe or if u connect it to laptop. I pressed okay for the update. The issue with this though was the update kept taking very long. It showed like it fully updated but it was on the same logo. So i unplugged my phone from the usb because it took very long.

After that, when i turn on iphone it has the itunes logo and under it has the connect usb picture with the arrow sign above it.

First off, i read online a bit about this. Does this mean I lost all my data on my iphone? I did not back any data up at all. I had foolishly just did this update without thinking much and of course pulled the usb off my iphone when the update was taking extremely long.

Does anyone know how i can fix this issue? I have tried connecting my iphone to both the usb to my laptop and connecting it to an outlet.
The Connect to iTunes screen means that the update failed and in most cases you have you restore the device (erase and reinstall). Though, if I remember correctly iTunes automatically backs up the device when you update using iTunes.

Connecting it to iTunes should prompt to "Update" or "Restore". Try Update first, if it still doesn't work use Restore to erase and reinstall.
I opened itunes and then plugged iphone into usb port on laptop. It has message there is a problem with the iphone... iphone that requires it to be updated or restored. It says if your iphone can't be updated, you will need to restore it to factory settings. Itunes will update iphone ios 9.2 and verify the update with apple.

I clicked update and got message

There was a problem downloading the software for the iphone "iphone." An unknown error occurred (-39).

Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active or try again later.
So does this mean I only have one option which is to click restore as oppose to update? Thus no holding the power button or home button or whichever of the two will fix this issue?

Also does this mean i will lose all my data? The thing is i never backed any data up. I read online about backing up icloud. How do i know if i ever backed anything? I think i did create an icloud acct when it asked me last time but i think odds i did that are very small though i do recall icloud. However i never synced anything like that.

If thats the case, what are my options here? I really upset i stupidly decided to upgrade to ios 9.0.2 and then this happened. The other foolish thing is my iphone 4s only has 16gb of data and it has like 2.7 gb data left and i now read upgrading to ios 9 uses like 1.3gb data which is something i didn't think of till now.

What are my options here? Very frustrated right now. Does this mean i lose everything in my iphone? So after restore, I don't even have my contacts? So basically only thing i will have is my phone number for my sim there?

Very frustrated now.
lThere was a problem downloading the software for the iphone "iphone." An unknown error occurred (-39).

Sounds like a network issue. Turn off any firewalls or antivirus that are stopping it from downloading iOS 9.2.

If you used iCloud, you can check to see if any of your data is backed up. On the Settings screen, if it shows your device, it will say when it was last backed up.

iTunes may have made a backup also, which you can check from Preferences > Devices in iTunes
I use avast and have firewall. I turned avast off but still have firewall on. Are you sure that has any effect at all? I don't think it has to do with my internet connection. Internet workeds at the moment.

I don't know if i have an icloud acct. I could have created one a while back but if i did, i didn't click sync or anything like that....
I just noticed something. On my itunes, it has this arrow where i click on it ...

it says updating 22%

240gb of 1.48gb and it still downloading.

Does that mean i have to wait? Could that mean i still have all my data on my iphone?
Well i waited but when its close to done, it would have the error message the -39.

Does this mean system restore is my only option?

And can i restore anything i have in my iphone?
Error –39 appears to be network related. You won't be able to update or restore until that is sorted out. Either option requires the iOS 9.2 download.

Check iTunes for a backup (see instructions: or an iCloud backup using the instructions I gave. Your iCloud account will most likely be the same as the Apple ID you use with iTunes or the App Store.

Again, you'll have to resolve the error or use another computer. Try update first, and if that doesn't work, try restore.
I went to itunes backup. I only see the date of march 9, 2015.

what does that mean?
It appears that you have a networking issue that needs to be resolved before you can update. Something is interfering with your access to update files.
there is nothing wrong with my internet. How do i fix this issue?

Is there a way for me to not upgrade to 9.0.2 or is that not possible at all?
now nothing even shows up on iphone when i try to turn it on. I had held power and home button then released power button once itunes loaded. Now only option on itunes is RESTORE...
Last time it downloaded close to whole 1.5gb but then there was error. Now its way too slow and im thinking even if it does finish... will have same error.


Also does anyone know if it means if it does install correctly, i will have all my data still saved on iphone? I didn't want to restore it to factory settings because i don't want to lose all my things in my iphone.
Okay it updated and now works. Right now using ios 9.

How do i back up everything? When it did the installing.. it ask if i wanted to update it on cloud. I clicked yes however... im not sure if it did. Because if it did... it took very very little time. How do i know if i just backed all the information now? Also in my settings, it shows 5gb of data used on icloud. Does that mean i have everything on iphone saved there then?
You can check if it's backed up to iCloud by going to Settings > iCloud > Backup. It will tell you the most recent backup. If you're using all 5 GB of storage in iCloud, you will need to buy an upgrade.
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