Reply to "msasgs" post of Oct 5, 2012 08:55 PM:
Be reassured you are not alone. I have had my iPhone for a month now and it will spend hours of "good behavior" then out of the blue, generally in important moments, go berserk, exactly like you describe.
That is it will randomly press buttons, usually when I press a different button, but it will press a randomly WRONG button, usually about an inch or two away, I press "Cancel" when looking at contacts, and it will instead dial a randomly selected entry (my ex-wife often, curiously), I press a word on the editing screen, deciding I'm being to blunt in a criticism of my boss or his client, and instead it hits send (yikes)! I hit cancel, it hits delete.
So you get the idea and have apparently experienced similar. I also have had three cases (doesn't matter), a Griffin Military (sucked) and the other two being Otter's (Survivor is excellent - love it ^3). So despite empirical evidence to suggest otherwise, the cases are innocent in this "smoking gun" (my distain for the Griffin is for different reasons, the belt clip disintegrated).
THE PROBLEM IS THE SCREEN ITSELF! Forgive me if I sound so certain, I can't prove it, except with logic: Proof: These cases are widely used, and certainly would have raised a larger population of complaints if they were at the 'toot cause' of this; between the two of us, we have five different manufacturers of cases (I think that's the count) and yet all are exhibiting the same symptom; it immediately resolves ONLY when the case is removed (I do so extremely carefully, just to avoid any disturbance "in the force" (pun intended), to be sure it's only the case removal, not something I press during the removal);
OK, so it does defy the "what you'd expect" scenario, I'm going to buy a replacement screen (I do all sorts of micro-electonics repairs, including touch screens, on units costing thousands of $ - I'm not so smug as to say it will be a piece of cake, but I'm confident in a successful outcome). Obviously, I'd let you know the outcome, I don't want to trash the phone, as I'm sure it will respond to treatment. Keep the faith. This is an incredible phone, it works fine for me 95% of the time, I just have to be quick to remove the case when it pukes, seems to "revive" it for an hour or more when I do. (OK, that's weird).
Best Regards