How is your performance on ios9? Did you experience a significant drop in performance, or do u think tht it s quiet ok? How is safari usage with the phone? Do you need to reload all the time every tab?
Thx mate!! am still on ios7...Reloading is not improved. Performance is not that much worse, but it does stutter more.
Thx mate!! am still on ios7...
Performance will definitely be worse then
I'd advise you to wait for the moment I think - Probably worth going to 9 before 10 comes out (in case 10 is even slower on the 5).
10 will definitely be slower, but 9.2.1 is nice on a four year old device that is the iPhone 5. Apps launch a bit slower but the device has 1 GB RAM which is still very sufficient and a capable GPU. In fact it runs 9 much better than iPad Air 1 that is more recent and 64bit.