Are all three holes located at the bottom of the phone? I am now on my second iPhone 5 because everyone tells me that my phone calls(Verizon) sound muffled. I removed 2 plastic coverings that came with the phone, but noticed that there are two small holes located next to the lightning connector. When I hold the phone at a certain angle, it appears as if the two holes are still covered by a small piece of plastic or a plastic membrane of some kind. Just wondering if perhaps there is something else covering the mics and causing my voice to sound muffled. I even left a voicemail on my home phone and it sounded like I was talking with my hand over my mouth. The
Apple 'genius' that replaced my first iPhone 5 was able to determine just by looking at the phone that one of the three mics was not working. Don't know what he was looking at but I wish I know what to look for.