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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 29, 2013
Hey guys, my iphone 5s had some really awesome battery life just before I did a restore on it, the reason I did the restore on it was because of the dreaded "other" that just sucked up so much space and I couldn't figure out how to get rid of it. Had music taking up 2gb and apps taking up like 1.5gb and other taking up a whopping like 8. So I restored.

Now that I've restored my battery life is DREADFUL. I took it to work and after 4 hours it was at 25% from 100%. Today I took it off the charger and while I didnt screenshot it I had 53 minutes of standby and 45 minutes of safari usage over LTE and my battery was already down to 58%. Any ideas? It's gotta be a software thing and I've gone through all the settings trying to disable anything that may suck more power in the background.
I think I have read here that a newly restored phone will use more power while it indexes and downloads from the cloud if required. Not sure I want to believe this, but this is what others have said.:rolleyes:

Also the "other" will only return in time.
I think I have read here that a newly restored phone will use more power while it indexes and downloads from the cloud if required. Not sure I want to believe this, but this is what others have said.:rolleyes:

Also the "other" will only return in time.

Perhaps that may be the case, I'll give it a few days and report back if it doesn't get any better. Also the phone is noticeably more hot than it was before. Usually it felt cool to the touch but now it feels warm to the touch.

I realize the other will return eventually but I actually needed the space because I simply wasnt able to put any music in it anymore, and I had new music I wanted to add. These issues need to be sorted already.
Perhaps that may be the case, I'll give it a few days and report back if it doesn't get any better. Also the phone is noticeably more hot than it was before. Usually it felt cool to the touch but now it feels warm to the touch.

I realize the other will return eventually but I actually needed the space because I simply wasnt able to put any music in it anymore, and I had new music I wanted to add. These issues need to be sorted already.

Does not sound good if you phone is getting warm and you are not using it.

I would do a backup and start as a new phone and add my apps one at a time to find which one is offending. It could be a hardware issue but give it a few days to see.
Did you restore as a new device first before restoring the apps, data, and settings?

I do this about once every other month to keep the "Other" directory from getting too large, and there are a lot of items on the phone that need rebuilding right after you do a double restoration. The size of the "Other" directory on my 5s does down to under 800 MB right after completing the restoration. After less than a day of normal use, the "Other" directory balloons back up to around 2 GB. That's just normal caching, e-mail, music indexes, etc. that occur after restoring a device. And that kind of activity can use a lot of battery power, especially if you have to transfer a lot of data (such as iTunes Match or syncing with iCloud).

If the phone is heating up, then you should look at the battery usage in your settings to see where the power drain comes from. You might also need to look at stuff like background refresh and location services. Also try rebooting the phone, in case any background processes are in an endless loop.
Same with me I resorted my phone as new ok Saturday and noticed today it was getting warm when it was in my pocket
I have background app refresh off, and restored as a new phone, not a backup, and installed a few apps from the app store. namely google maps, gopro, steam, mcdonalds, tinder, netflix, tumblr, and my bank app.

So far it actually seems pretty decent today so maybe it was just syncing a bunch of stuff? It's cool to the touch right now and still at 100% and it's been just sitting in standby for an hour now.
I have background app refresh off, and restored as a new phone, not a backup, and installed a few apps from the app store. namely google maps, gopro, steam, mcdonalds, tinder, netflix, tumblr, and my bank app.

So far it actually seems pretty decent today so maybe it was just syncing a bunch of stuff? It's cool to the touch right now and still at 100% and it's been just sitting in standby for an hour now.

I restored mine as new too and have the same settings I have about 30 apps installed it warms up after 5 mins never used to do this.
Check your diagnostic logs for anything weird. Also go into location services and cut down on those, especially pointless "System Services" like Location based iAds, etc. whatever you don't need tracking your location. Make sure background app refresh is off. Make sure wifi is off when you don't need it, and Bluetooth as well. Bluetooth usually is more of an annoyance to turn off though because it doesn't help a whole ton but it compromises handoff capability. I also turn off cellular when I don't need it on some occasions. I tried to take safari browsing a little slower, too. I pretty much would go from page to page ridiculously fast nonstop, being really fickle with what forum threads to follow, etc. Slowing myself down and reading more reduced safari drain drastically. Finally, keeping your brightness low (30% and lower if you're comfortable with it) is great as well. Got 9 hours use and 2 days of standby on my iPhone 6 with those methods. I typically would get 5-6.5 hours of use before.
Check your diagnostic logs for anything weird. Also go into location services and cut down on those, especially pointless "System Services" like Location based iAds, etc. whatever you don't need tracking your location. Make sure background app refresh is off. Make sure wifi is off when you don't need it, and Bluetooth as well. Bluetooth usually is more of an annoyance to turn off though because it doesn't help a whole ton but it compromises handoff capability. I also turn off cellular when I don't need it on some occasions. I tried to take safari browsing a little slower, too. I pretty much would go from page to page ridiculously fast nonstop, being really fickle with what forum threads to follow, etc. Slowing myself down and reading more reduced safari drain drastically. Finally, keeping your brightness low (30% and lower if you're comfortable with it) is great as well. Got 9 hours use and 2 days of standby on my iPhone 6 with those methods. I typically would get 5-6.5 hours of use before.

I've done all of that. Idk why when it's in my pocket it gets warm and let's say I get an email I go and check it then my phone is warming up haven't even used it for 5 minutes
I've done all of that. Idk why when it's in my pocket it gets warm and let's say I get an email I go and check it then my phone is warming up haven't even used it for 5 minutes

Have you rebooted the phone recently? Especially after restoring as a new device, and the system is busy adding back the cache files, there might be a process somewhere that's stuck.

Also, you might want to try toggling off the cellular radio, Bluetooth, and wi-fi one by one.
Have you rebooted the phone recently? Especially after restoring as a new device, and the system is busy adding back the cache files, there might be a process somewhere that's stuck.

Also, you might want to try toggling off the cellular radio, Bluetooth, and wi-fi one by one.

Yeah I rebooted it couple times this past week I'll try the other things you suggested
Alright, it seems my problem has gone away. I didn't do anything, but the battery life is doing alright now. Doesn't stay warm like it was the first and second day. Not sure what it was, maybe it was doing some sort of cloud sync stuff, but here's how the battery has been:

Alright, it seems my problem has gone away. I didn't do anything, but the battery life is doing alright now. Doesn't stay warm like it was the first and second day. Not sure what it was, maybe it was doing some sort of cloud sync stuff, but here's how the battery has been:


Sometimes my 6+ isn't stunningly better than that.
Alright, it seems my problem has gone away. I didn't do anything, but the battery life is doing alright now. Doesn't stay warm like it was the first and second day. Not sure what it was, maybe it was doing some sort of cloud sync stuff, but here's how the battery has been:


Wow that's great battery life. Wish my 5s could get that
Try doing an un-restore and maybe you can go back to where you were before you did the restore.
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