I'm looking for a case for the iPhone 6/6s series that has a "soft-touch" power switch, meaning I only have to press it about as hard as I do the naked switch itself to make it work. The Spigen "air cushion" clear silicone case on my 5s works like that. I had a cheap Body Glove black "plastic" case that I tried on my iPhone 6 and it takes way too much pressure to use the power switch. Not unusable, just greatly annoying.
Will another Spigen silicon case work as deftly on the 6 as it does the 5s? Any recommendations for a case with a nice, soft power switch function for a 6/6s? Thanks!
Will another Spigen silicon case work as deftly on the 6 as it does the 5s? Any recommendations for a case with a nice, soft power switch function for a 6/6s? Thanks!