I got my iPhone 6 on launch day in 2014. This year I've noticed that the battery is abnormally touchy when it comes to temperature. A few times I would be at a friend's house in his garage and while I'm using my phone it would simply shut off as if the battery was dead. Since I just attributed it to the cold, I'd put it in my pocket for a few minutes to warm up, then it would turn back on and display that it had plenty of battery life left (sometime 30%-40%). Last night it wasn't particularly cold and when I got home I plugged it in and the battery jumped from 20% to 40% and it wasn't below 40F. I've calibrated the battery multiple times in the past few weeks (using it until it shuts off at 1% and then leaving it to charge overnight) and it seems to always be the same situation. I do charge it every night, but I don't remember my iPhone 4 or 5 every being so touchy when it comes to temperatures that are still within operating ranges. I'm guessing that with how thin the casing and battery are that they are more sensitive, but has anyone been noticing this more? No Apple Care so I'm pretty much carrying around a battery bank at least until the weather warms up more and/or the 7 is released this year.