Just an FYI to anyone looking to purchase an iFixit battery replacement kit. As I said I went to Fry's since they were local, had them in stock, and were almost $10 cheaper than purchasing straight from iFixit online (not too mention I didn't have to wait or pay shipping charges). That all being said, two days after installation both of these phones are seeing greatly diminishing battery usage and I checked with iBackupBot and the readout numbers are falling there too.
I called iFixit and was told that it is possible both batteries are defective (woo hoo!) but since I purchased through Fry's instead of through iFixit direct, the only option for me was to remove both batteries from the phones, pack them back up, try and return them at the store, and then purchase two new kits and go through the installation again.
They told me they are "working" on making it so that they will be able to help customers who purchase their products from any of their distribution channels but at this time they could/would do nothing for me.
I will say that the CSR was very nice but when a company flat out refuses to help someone who just purchased their product (even though they will gladly help you if you purchase through their website), and then tells you to break off your only means of communication (read: take out the iPhone battery and then go to the store and hope they will do the return) gets a pretty poor rating in my book.
There is simply no reason, other than their current logistics (which they admitted), that they couldn't help me directly.