My iPhone 6 came with 8.1 (i think), and I foolishly updated to 8.3.1. Can I downgrade to be able to jailbreak?
My iPhone 6 came with 8.1 (i think), and I foolishly updated to 8.3.1. Can I downgrade to be able to jailbreak?
Is 8.3.1 out ?
My 6 Plus and iPad Air 2 say the latest version is 8.3 and I can't find anything about 8.3.1 on 9to5mac and Macrumors.
You got the foolishly part right though
8.3.1 does not exist. I dont know where you came up with that version number but the highest ios currently is 8.3
The OP said that he updated his phone to 8.3.1.
You got the foolishly part right though
8.3.1 does not exist. The highest non-beta ios version currently is 8.3
Even betas are 8.4, no 8.3.x ones that have been released it would seem.
Is it possible to use ifaith or a similar program to back up 8.1 from 1 iphone and put it on another?
Even if such program existed you still could not use another devices shsh blobs to a different device.
And no such thing as backing up 8.1 and installing it elsewhere.