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Case, definitely. As much as I love how it looks naked, it's far too slippery to use without a case.
Love the feel of the glass without a case, but I also like that the case makes the camera flush. So I'll alternate depending on where I am.
Case. I tried using it without one and really liked the feel of the curved glass, but I noticed the phone got really cold to touch whenever not being used for a period of time. I couldn't get used to that. And I kept worrying about smudging/scratching the back. My case is thin enough to be barely noticeable and has very smooth feel so I realized I actually prefer the case.
This is the only phone I've had where I felt a case was mandatory. Anytime I've tried caseless with the 6 I quickly think "hell no" and get a case back on it right away.
No case! It's already almost too big to put in my pocket, a case would make it even worse. Not to mention it looks really nice caseless :D

In lieu of the case I got Squaretrade insurance for $99, I'm glad I did that because this thing is slippery.
I carry my 6 Plus without a case. What can I say, I like to live dangerously :cool: but in all seriousness its easy to do. Just be aware of where is is and which pocket you place it in.
Split the difference and get a Caudabe Veil. Feels and looks like no case is on, but you still get the benefits of scratch protection for the aluminum.

I don't go completely case-less anymore. Just no need.
Iphone 6 is the first i have used with a case on for extended period of time.

My past iphone 4/4s/5c/5s are all naked. This is the first time apple logo on the back is not scratched up.

I love the feel of naked 6 but i heard that because of curved screen, its easy to break the glass even if you just hit the table while the device is in your pocket. Also the protuding camera make me use it with an apple case on.
I always use a case - better grip, better protection, more resale-value (because less scratches etc) if you want to sell your phone and buy a new one.

I just stick with slim cases, like the original apple silicone / leather one.
I'm a fan of the Caudabe Veil as well. Perfect tight fit and it's nearly invisible. I've also got a Tech Armor ballistic glass screen protector on top which is a good combination with the Caudabe. The two keep the phone super slim but still protected to some degree.
I do not have a case on my 6 and I plan to keep it that way.

I had a Caudabe Veil for a short period of time on my 5s, which I liked, but I usually only put it on my phone when I went to the beach or pool (not that it provided much protection). But for the most part I don't like putting cases on my phones.
I've gone caseless with my HTC Incredible, Galaxy S III, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, HTC One M8, BlackBerry Z10, and my Moto X.

BUT, I bought an iPhone 6 Plus last week, and this thing is so hard to hold without it slipping. Similar to my M8, but is thinner and bigger so it's amplified.

So I went with the Apple Silicone case in Red. Pretty happy with it. I don't need drop protection so much as some grip. Almost went with leather, but the silicone adds lots of grip and doesn't dirty/wear as much. It's also an orange red vs a more pink red.


I will have to see how it holds up over time though. Some have reports of the silicone layer flaking off here and there.

Had I gone with the iPhone 6, I would most likely go caseless.
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