I recently got my hands on a brand new iPhone 6 Plus (went to go do the touch disease repair and Apple gave me a new phone) and I've noticed an annoying issue during calls. Whether it's a regular phone call or a WhatsApp audio call, my phone has a real hard time waking the screen while the call is going on. Once the screen goes black, I can press the home button and the power button 10 times before it seemingly randomly starts working again. Sometimes it wakes the screen every time back to back, sometimes it takes about a minute. I know this isn't a proximity sensor issue because I typically am using my Bluetooth headphones, and pressing the home or power button should still wake the screen regardless. The phone is on the latest iOS 10.2 update as well. I've thought about trying a beta build, but before I do that I'd like to know if this is a known issue with this device. I could also take it back to Apple if need be, it's been less than a week since I've had this replacement phone. Thanks in advance!
I just realized that this is probably better suited for the troubleshooting subforum, so if a mod sees this and wants to move it feel free!
I just realized that this is probably better suited for the troubleshooting subforum, so if a mod sees this and wants to move it feel free!
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