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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 14, 2007
Hey got the iPhone 6 a couple weeks ago. Today I noticed that if I pressed on the screen near the volume buttons it makes an audible clicking noise. Has anyone else noticed this?

Is that something I can take to Verizon to have it looked at or do I need to go to an Apple store? I'm about 2 min from Verizon but 1.5 hrs from an Apple store...


macrumors 68020
Jun 3, 2009
from what i've seen, its normal for the 6. i have an iphone 6 and it does the same thing sometimes.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 3, 2011
Cleveland , OH
Mine clicks too. Mostly in the lower right corner after using the home button. Seems pretty common from reading threads on here.

I'm going to keep mine. Doesn't do anything with functionality and chances are, if I swap it out, something else will pop up with the replacement. I've already traded one in with a dead pixel.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 3, 2011
Cleveland , OH
Ok. Got fed up with screen clicks. Went to my local Apple Store. They replaced the screen in 1 hour. No more clicks!! Free of charge. No Apple Care.


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2014
You shouldn't be putting pressure on the iphone screen to begin with. The touch screen is capacitive meaning you don't have to actually press on it, you just touch it. So this shouldn't ever be an issue period because you shouldn't be putting pressure on it at all since it's not designed that way.
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