It is very normal for a battery to have a higher current capacity than design capacity. If you have a Mac, Coconut Battery is these most accurate way to verify your capacity on your device. Coconut Battery can be 100% trusted as it reads the hardware directly. Pre-iOS 10 those apps for iOS were also very accurate, but iOS 10 changed that and now the ones you find in the app store are just estimates, but Coconut remains spot on.
But back to the issue at hand. Because batteries are not a "100%" science, sometimes capacity is more or less than design when the battery is new. It means you won the battery lottery if you have a higher starting capacity, and means it will probably live longer than the 500 cycles that it is rated.
For example, my 7Plus start with 2990/2900. Today, I am at 114 cycles and still at 2950/2900. So I am still at almost 102% design capacity, even though I have consumed 114/500 cycles. My iPad Air 2 on the other hand wasn't as lucky. It started at 99.8% capacity and now with 100 cycles (of 1000) it is down to 97.4%. So that device probably won't reach the 1000 before the battery is consumed, but its entirely normal.