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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 11, 2011
Aberdeen, Scotland

I've noticed for the past couple of nights, when I wake up in the morning (phone charging next to my bed), that when I first pick the phone up, it has disconnected from my home WiFi and went back to 3/4G. As soon as I unlock it it reconnects to my home WiFi.

Is this normal behaviour, I haven't noticed it before. I would like it to stay connected to my WiFi as I use WiFi calling, as the mobile signal is not great in my house.

Have I changed a setting somewhere that I shouldn't have?

there isn't any setting about that. But I'm under the impression the wifi is always connected overnight

I've noticed for the past couple of nights, when I wake up in the morning (phone charging next to my bed), that when I first pick the phone up, it has disconnected from my home WiFi and went back to 3/4G. As soon as I unlock it it reconnects to my home WiFi.

Is this normal behaviour, I haven't noticed it before. I would like it to stay connected to my WiFi as I use WiFi calling, as the mobile signal is not great in my house.

Have I changed a setting somewhere that I shouldn't have?

WiFi Assist has nothing to do with that.

That is true only if you think iOS/wifi assist is bug free. The problem the thread creator stated is something that is not suppose to happen, therefore I am confident in saying it is because of some bug and not some setting. If it is because of a bug, there is nothing that can be done except wait for iOS updates and continue paying data overage fees.
That is true only if you think iOS/wifi assist is bug free. The problem the thread creator stated is something that is not suppose to happen, therefore I am confident in saying it is because of some bug and not some setting. If it is because of a bug, there is nothing that can be done except wait for iOS updates and continue paying data overage fees.
Well, WiFi assist, if enabled , is supposed to kick in when a WiFi connection exist but it is poor. The app using data connection has to be active and in foreground.
It can't kick in during standby.
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I experience the same issue that the OP describes on my 6S Plus, but it only seems to happen when I'm on WPA Enterprise networks.

I've noticed for the past couple of nights, when I wake up in the morning (phone charging next to my bed), that when I first pick the phone up, it has disconnected from my home WiFi and went back to 3/4G. As soon as I unlock it it reconnects to my home WiFi.

Is this normal behaviour, I haven't noticed it before. I would like it to stay connected to my WiFi as I use WiFi calling, as the mobile signal is not great in my house.

Have I changed a setting somewhere that I shouldn't have?

I think is normal behavior(or bug), happening for a few years now through iOS 8.
I remember on iOS
I think is normal behavior(or bug), happening for a few years now through iOS 8.

I remember on iOS 8 on my 5S the Wi-Fi symbol would be gone for a brief period when I would wake my phone, but it would come back in under a second. On my iPad Mini and 6S+, however, it takes just as long to reconnect as if you were to turn Wi-Fi off and back on again. I've had to disable cellular when I'm not using it because I will start racking up data usage when it's locked. I use that free 200 MB from T-Mobile on my iPad and you can imagine how fast that goes.
If you use a VPN it stay connected to wifi. I'm not sure if this has been addressed but this was a "feature" implemented by Apple a very long time ago.

Here is a video from 2012 and I think he mentions the VPN method I use to use. I didn't have cellular so I wouldn't get messages at night. Now I have cellular so it's not an issue.

iOS has always turned off the wifi radio while in sleep mode for as long as I can remember. I had a jailbreak tweak back in iOS 7 to prevent it from doing this. Though this is the first time it has ever taken time to reconnect. After I wake up my phone, it takes a couple seconds to connect to wifi again. Not sure if this is the same thing as you guys are experiencing.
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This happens to me occasionally. Never gave it much thought.

I experience the same issue that the OP describes on my 6S Plus, but it only seems to happen when I'm on WPA Enterprise networks.
This is a HUGE bother and is very frustrating but I think its unrelated to the OP

EDIT: 6 and 6S
It didn't happen again last night.

I was just a bit concerned as my phone is used for on-call work purposes so would like it to be connected to WiFi Calling all the time when I'm at home.

Oh well, sure I will survive!! :)
Are you connected to the charger? If I remember I first noticed this on my iPhone 4 on iOS 4 and researched it and found out the iPhone disconnects from wifi (if you aren't using it) 30 seconds after locking the display to save battery when not charging but this may have changed.
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Are you connected to the charger? If I remember I first noticed this on my iPhone 4 on iOS 4 and researched it and found out the iPhone disconnects from wifi (if you aren't using it) 30 seconds after locking the display to save battery when not charging but this may have changed.
Yep, the 4 did it for sure (designed), but I have never seen it happen on my 6S+. If it is happening, it switches back on so fast that I can't see it.
iOS has always turned off the wifi radio while in sleep mode for as long as I can remember. I had a jailbreak tweak back in iOS 7 to prevent it from doing this. Though this is the first time it has ever taken time to reconnect. After I wake up my phone, it takes a couple seconds to connect to wifi again. Not sure if this is the same thing as you guys are experiencing.

Exactly what he always turns off wifi when phone is locked to save on battery. Reconnects within seconds once you unlock the phone.
It's been like this forever.
My 6S+ has been doing that lately too.

I think what's happening is my phone is rebooting for some reason (because I have to unlock with my PIN instead of fingerprint). Your WiFi password is encrypted with your PIN as the key (just like your fingerprints) so any time you reboot, you have to type in your PIN first for it to unlock your WiFi password and connect to the network.

No idea why mine's rebooting though, kind of annoying I suppose.
My 6S+ has been doing that lately too.

I think what's happening is my phone is rebooting for some reason (because I have to unlock with my PIN instead of fingerprint). Your WiFi password is encrypted with your PIN as the key (just like your fingerprints) so any time you reboot, you have to type in your PIN first for it to unlock your WiFi password and connect to the network.

No idea why mine's rebooting though, kind of annoying I suppose.
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