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Original poster
Mar 30, 2014
So i just upgraded to the 6S. As compared to my 6 and the iPad mini 2 - the lightning port doesn't seem to be as grippy, if that makes sense. There is a distinct click when I insert the lightning cable but it doesnt require as much force to put in or pull out. Has anyone had a similar experience? Anything to worry about?
So i just upgraded to the 6S. As compared to my 6 and the iPad mini 2 - the lightning port doesn't seem to be as grippy, if that makes sense. There is a distinct click when I insert the lightning cable but it doesnt require as much force to put in or pull out. Has anyone had a similar experience? Anything to worry about?
As compared to my 5s the 6s port is much tighter. I think there are manufacturing tolerances at play between the cable and port.
I prefer it tighter to be honest. Feels more secure. After u pull in and out alot u might notice some wear and tear which makes it feels slightly looser...

Had the same experience with a brand new mini2 before for like the first few weeks until it settles in.

I wont say its a huge issue imo. Take care of ur stuff well and it will last the long run is all i can say
Thanks for your replies. I too prefer the tighter feel but I guess I can live with this too. I have the TSMC chip and everything else is good.

I was just worried that my charging port was broken.
Managed to find someone with a 6S his was port was grippier than mine but I think I'll live with it. Rest of the phone has no problems.
My 6 had same issue. It did become an annoyance as once debris gets in there it'll make it even easier to pull out and I had cords falling out from the slightest movement. Was very happy my 6s+ has s much tighter fit. If you keep it make sure you periodically clean the port with a toothbrush, especially the sides which is what grip the cord.
They're all different. So many manufacturing tolerances involved with every part that makes up these phones.
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