Using the second Iphone 7+ I got and the call quality is bad. Callers on the other end say I sound muffled/underwater. This is a replacement for one that also had the issue. When I go to speakerphone - quality improves.
I cant believe Im the only person having this issue. (There is a thread about the 6+ with this problem) Btw switched the Sim to an old Note 5 and no problem at all. Anyone having a similar issue? Any fix? Because Id like to keep the phone but this is a dealbreaker. Thanks
I cant believe Im the only person having this issue. (There is a thread about the 6+ with this problem) Btw switched the Sim to an old Note 5 and no problem at all. Anyone having a similar issue? Any fix? Because Id like to keep the phone but this is a dealbreaker. Thanks