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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 16, 2013
from coconut battery. 213 cycles and 93% health. IPhone 7, 8 months old. Stats ok? Thanks
Decent. I have 197 and still at 99.8% according to Coconut Battery. 7+

Edit: that report isn’t even that new. Probably a few weeks old.
Nice! I'm getting a new battery this week. Just been on apple support chat. They agree is a little low and would drop below 80% at current wear rate in less than 2 years.
I was chatting to support and they decided that it needs to be serviced due to rate of decline of battery health would mean it would hit 80% in less than 2 years.
I was chatting to support and they decided that it needs to be serviced due to rate of decline of battery health would mean it would hit 80% in less than 2 years.
Did apple chat run the diagnostics on your phone? If so what did they say? They generally won't replace it if its still in good health. I.e your OP states that it's 93% health. If your battery health drops below 80% within your warranty (2 years if you have AppleCare plus) they will replace it for free. is it having issues?
I've been to several stores - their policy is that they will NOT replace it unless it is below 80% if you have AppleCare+. You can find a store to replace it anyway but you risk them destroying your phone and having to get a new one (for free) but the cost of the battery goes down the drain (this happened to my wife recently).

I have a 6s+ with 223 cycles and 93.3% battery health. Please be aware that coconutBattery, as great as it is, still has a variance in the % reading. My 93.3% battery health will sometimes be 95.8%, 96%, 95%, 93%. My 6s+ was 96% when I bought it. After 223 cycles, it is at 93-95%.

Again, they won't replace it unless you pay the $86 (with tax) to replace it yourself and you find a store that will do it (most won't).

My battery life is still INSANE so I'm not doing anything with my 6s+. I have till May 2018 until my AppleCare+ is done.

223 cycles and it has only dropped 2-3%? It'll easily last until May 2018 and be >80% by a mile.
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Mine after exactly a year of heavy use. Its on the charger all night every night and sometimes Ive had to charge it twice a day.

Screen Shot 2017-09-05 at 4.05.26 PM.png
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Is Coconut Battery ever way off? All of you are seeing decreased battery wear after 1 year’s use. Like I said in my post in the beginning, mine is impressive. Same with my 2012 MBA. 690 counts and 93%. I must be doing something right haha
Is Coconut Battery ever way off? All of you are seeing decreased battery wear after 1 year’s use. Like I said in my post in the beginning, mine is impressive. Same with my 2012 MBA. 690 counts and 93%. I must be doing something right haha

The bigger the battery the less health hit it takes over time. So the Macbook Air has a much bigger battery. My Macbook Air 11 (2015) --- has 90 cycles on it and 100% battery health (it had 105%? when I got it) and I've had it for two? years now.

But yeah I give coconutBattery a 3-5% variance. Its also important to only measure battery health at 100% charge if you can help it.

The batteries in these Macbook Airs are AMAZING. :)
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The bigger the battery the less health hit it takes over time. So the Macbook Air has a much bigger battery. My Macbook Air 11 (2015) --- has 90 cycles on it and 100% battery health (it had 105%? when I got it) and I've had it for two? years now.

But yeah I give coconutBattery a 3-5% variance. Its also important to only measure battery health at 100% charge if you can help it.

The batteries in these Macbook Airs are AMAZING. :)

I figured it was a bigger battery but the battery life is great if just web browsing or writing an essay. Now it just shuts down if disconnected when it wants to. Sometimes it’s instant and sometimes it can take 2-10 minutes. Whenever.

EDIT: My MBA does this, not my 7+
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I figured it was a bigger battery but the battery life is great if just web browsing or writing an essay. Now it just shuts down if disconnected when it wants to. Sometimes it’s instant and sometimes it can take 2-10 minutes. Whenever.

My wife's iPhone 6s+ did this. It had a battery health 90%+ but it would randomly shut off below 40%. Apple refused to do anything about it because it had "green" health. So we paid $ to replace it. In the process of replacing the battery, the Apple Store destroyed her phone (we got a free replacement, but lost the $86 we put into the new battery, LOL). :)
Do you guys think I should leave it since the phone works fine and has a perfect screen. Also I will probably get a 7S soon.

The man on apple support was reluctant to do any ting at first since he said the battery health was within tolerance. Then I pointed out that the rate of decline in battery would mean that it would go below 80% health in much less than 2 years. He then went off for 5 mins, possibly to discuss with manager and then came back and said the phone needs to go to genuius bar for service and created an appointment for me. Tempted to just leave it mind.
Do you guys think I should leave it since the phone works fine and has a perfect screen. Also I will probably get a 7S soon.

The man on apple support was reluctant to do any ting at first since he said the battery health was within tolerance. Then I pointed out that the rate of decline in battery would mean that it would go below 80% health in much less than 2 years. He then went off for 5 mins, possibly to discuss with manager and then came back and said the phone needs to go to genuius bar for service and created an appointment for me. Tempted to just leave it mind.
Just because AppleCare suggests something needs to be done does not mean an Apple Store has to follow. I had an issue with my iMac mouse disconnecting. I did all the diagnostics over the phone and was told to go to an Apple Store to get the mouse replaced. It was all notated on the account and I didn't need to bring the computer with me. Upon getting to the Apple Store, they wouldn't help me because they couldn't verify the issue. I wasn't happy because I was told two different things, but they were following their policy. AppleCare sent me a replacement mouse via FedEx to make up for the hassle.

Point of the story, there is a strong chance they will not replace your battery as you are not under 80%. Batteries do not deplete linear. Just because you lost 7% health in 8 months does not mean you will lose 7% in the next 8 months. Also, if your device is perfect. Leave it. A 7% health loss isn't that big. You really don't start noticing it until below 90%.
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Do you guys think I should leave it since the phone works fine and has a perfect screen. Also I will probably get a 7S soon.

The man on apple support was reluctant to do any ting at first since he said the battery health was within tolerance. Then I pointed out that the rate of decline in battery would mean that it would go below 80% health in much less than 2 years. He then went off for 5 mins, possibly to discuss with manager and then came back and said the phone needs to go to genuius bar for service and created an appointment for me. Tempted to just leave it mind.

I agree with @Mlrollin91 - I'd leave it. My phone is at 93% after 1.3 years of ownership (but it started out at 96% day 1). I'd love to pay $80 to put in a new battery but $80 is also a lot of money. I'm just going to keep using my phone another year - if it goes below 80% I'll be in line at the Apple Store to get it replaced the minute it does.

Mlrollin91 is right - batteries don't deplete linearly. Sometimes they can stay at a percentage level for a very long time. Keep it out of the sun and heat, try not to let it go below 20%, it should easily last you.
My wife's iPhone 6s+ did this. It had a battery health 90%+ but it would randomly shut off below 40%. Apple refused to do anything about it because it had "green" health. So we paid $ to replace it. In the process of replacing the battery, the Apple Store destroyed her phone (we got a free replacement, but lost the $86 we put into the new battery, LOL). :)

Oh my Mac does that, not my iPhone lol... my bad. Did the battery replacement fix the issue? I know the 6s had that issue but didn’t know the 6s+ did.
Oh my Mac does that, not my iPhone lol... my bad. Did the battery replacement fix the issue? I know the 6s had that issue but didn’t know the 6s+ did.

Yeah we were a little surprised that my wife's 6s+ was doing that. I think that is why they refused to replace the battery under AppleCare+. This is why I just paid the $86. No idea if it fixed it because when we got it back from the Apple Store, half of the backlight wouldn't power on, the phone restarted every 5 minutes... We had a really bad experience with that Apple Store. So we went to the Apple Store we usually go to and walked out with a new phone in less than 6 minutes for free under AppleCare+. :/ lol. $86 down the drain but oh well. lol. New phone is perfect.
Apple won't replace battery if it doesn't fall under their "bad battery" threshold. I experienced this during the iPhone 5 replacement program. First time I went, they said they couldn't replace it (Apple won't even allow the genius to order the battery if the condition wasn't fulfilled). Luckily second time it showed a problem and they could replace it. A similar thing happened on my Macbook Air.

Going to try having my 6S battery replaced under the battery replacement program before my Applecare+ expires.
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