Your not interested in replying, yet you replied to every one of my posts. That makes complete sense bro.
It really screws up your troll game when you can't even get your/you're right.
Your not interested in replying, yet you replied to every one of my posts. That makes complete sense bro.
It really screws up your troll game when you can't even get your/you're right.
You are correct. I had to Research the correct usage for "Your" and "You're." Thanks for informing me of this. Duly noted for my next troll post.
Maybe now that you're getting the your/you're thing, the "My very observant what?" post will make more sense to you.
It sure does. Google and Wikepedia are amazing resources. I love MacRumors. Have a great day. Thank you.
I love it when everyone gets along.