I want to type this up and let everyone know that Apple has ended the extended coverage for the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus Loop Disease. This is the issue that first manifests as a grayed-out speaker and loss of audio on calls, then leads to prolonged (3+ minutes in this case) boot times, and eventually leads to iPhones just not booting anymore. I had a friend take their phone in for service today for this issue and was told they'd have to pay the $349 swap fee because they didn't have AppleCare and the extended program ended 2 DAYS ago.
I'm unsure what Apple is going to do now, and as an iPhone 7 Plus owner with no AppleCare, I'm a little afraid that this issue could rear it's ugly head later on down the line.
(Original Front Page Article)
I'm unsure what Apple is going to do now, and as an iPhone 7 Plus owner with no AppleCare, I'm a little afraid that this issue could rear it's ugly head later on down the line.
(Original Front Page Article)