I have noticed within the week of having the 7 plus the phone will randomly respring. After it occurs it will prompt me for my password without the ability to use the Touch ID.
Any one else?
Apps in use when this has occurred:
Safari browser
Sorry...not understanding what you mean by "respring"? I have had my 6s+, even with iOS 9, want me to enter the ID, instead of letting me use TouchID to unlock the iPhone, sometimes within the same day. Are you guys meaning something else? Thanks!
Yep it done it on my 6s Plus and now on my 7 Plus so I'm guessing it's an iOS 10 issue.
I was able to take a screenshot one of the times it happened.
OK, I HAVE had it ask for my ID, and not let me use touch ID, even within the same day, but, it hadn't rebooted (that I'm aware of--at least not noticeably). Thanks.Re spring we mean as in the phone will reboot unexpectedlyand the phone will ask for your password once back on.
This has been happening to me a lot, twice already today. Its just sitting on my desk and I'll see it respring and ask for my password. Didn't have this issue with my 6s on iOS 10.
I'm thinking I'll have to exchange it but my screen is PERFECT and I don't want to have to deal with playing the screen lottery again.
This has been happening to me a lot, twice already today. Its just sitting on my desk and I'll see it respring and ask for my password. Didn't have this issue with my 6s on iOS 10.
I'm thinking I'll have to exchange it but my screen is PERFECT and I don't want to have to deal with playing the screen lottery again.
This happens to me daily on iOS 10.1.1 on a 7 Plus 128. It happens within 1-2 minutes when I'm using Todoist. Guessing with as big a todo list as I have and as many tabs as I run at once in Safari (iOS 10 removed the 25 or 30 tab limit) it's using too much memory.
Has this been fixed for anyone on 10.2 beta?
from the few people i know with a 7/7 plus they havent had this issue, with my 6s i havent had a respring yet. when i had a 6 plus it would happen every other day.
Is it worse on 10.1 than 10.0?
I have not had a single respring since I picked up my 7Plus on launch day. My sister has a few a week. Under her crash logs, she has hundreds of logs for Snapchat, all around the same times that her resprings occur. I do not have Snapchat installed on my device. Might be a coincidence but who knows.
It never happened to me on 10.0.
I don't have Snapchat but it happens so often with Todoist. Where can I find the crash logs? I reached out to Todoist support and asked this and 3 days later their onlh response so far was to blame it on a 6S-specific hardware failure (i.e. not even paying attention).