I'm having trouble deciding what to do here.
I bought an SE 2020 and it is still in its return window. I set it up with a trade in on my iPhone 7. So I still have both right now. I paid full price for the SE minus my trade-in which is feeling like less of a good deal now that the other phones all went down $100...
I like the SE but I couldn't help but feel like it's almost the same phone as my 7. I wanted a new phone because the 7 has been kinda slow lately, and has been getting warm and the battery has been dying faster. It is at 85% health, down from 87 only a couple weeks ago. I know I could just replace the battery but I started thinking I want something I can charge wirelessly, and that will be good for a bit longer.
I'm not as into the idea of losing Touch ID, so the SE seemed like the perfect fit.
But with both of them sitting here I can't help but pick up the 7 and think... it still works fine. I've been doing everything I need to do on it, yes it takes a second longer to load some apps than the new SE, yes the battery isn't as fresh, but overall it's still fully capable, and I can save hundreds of dollars by not upgrading to the SE which feels like almost exactly the same phone.
That made me start thinking maybe I should check out the 12 mini. As much as I hate the idea of having to put in my passcode to use Apple Pay at the grocery store with a mask on... I'd love to have the smaller size and the better camera setup with night mode. But then what - I drop 729 on a new iPhone only for them to release the version with Touch ID next year? That would drive me crazy.
What should I do? Keep the new SE? Return iPhone SE while I still can and wait for 12 to come out and then decide? Try to ride out the 7 for another whole year? I might need a battery replacement in that case, and then there goes my trade in value, so idk if that's a good idea.
What are iPhone 7 users upgrading to?
I bought an SE 2020 and it is still in its return window. I set it up with a trade in on my iPhone 7. So I still have both right now. I paid full price for the SE minus my trade-in which is feeling like less of a good deal now that the other phones all went down $100...
I like the SE but I couldn't help but feel like it's almost the same phone as my 7. I wanted a new phone because the 7 has been kinda slow lately, and has been getting warm and the battery has been dying faster. It is at 85% health, down from 87 only a couple weeks ago. I know I could just replace the battery but I started thinking I want something I can charge wirelessly, and that will be good for a bit longer.
I'm not as into the idea of losing Touch ID, so the SE seemed like the perfect fit.
But with both of them sitting here I can't help but pick up the 7 and think... it still works fine. I've been doing everything I need to do on it, yes it takes a second longer to load some apps than the new SE, yes the battery isn't as fresh, but overall it's still fully capable, and I can save hundreds of dollars by not upgrading to the SE which feels like almost exactly the same phone.
That made me start thinking maybe I should check out the 12 mini. As much as I hate the idea of having to put in my passcode to use Apple Pay at the grocery store with a mask on... I'd love to have the smaller size and the better camera setup with night mode. But then what - I drop 729 on a new iPhone only for them to release the version with Touch ID next year? That would drive me crazy.
What should I do? Keep the new SE? Return iPhone SE while I still can and wait for 12 to come out and then decide? Try to ride out the 7 for another whole year? I might need a battery replacement in that case, and then there goes my trade in value, so idk if that's a good idea.
What are iPhone 7 users upgrading to?