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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 11, 2012
Near Toronto
I am somewhat disappointed with the quality of the photos with my new iPhone 8 plus... a lot of photos appear pixelated. And if photos are 12MB why aren't they showing up as that size?

Zooming in to 100% using Photos on my iMac and most of them are very blotchy/blurry.

Anyone else having these problems with their phone's camera?

I came from a 5S and doing photo shoot comparisons there's little improvement. Could there be an issue with my phone or software related? I'm a hobby photographer so I know a lot about lighting, etc.

I upgraded my imac 2011 with High Sierra would that make a difference? I've stored photos iCloud and the quality is the same.

Just a major letdown with this phone...
Not a professional photographer or anything, but I do like taking pictures.

I’ve taken some amazing shots with the 8 Plus, but I have also taken shots that were a disappointment, especially when there is movement in low light. A good portion of pictures I have taken - all related to the subject(s) moving have come out blurry/noisy. It’s more pronounced in lower light.

This has surprised me because my 6 Plus was very good about stabilizing movement even if the pic came out slightly noisy due to low light conditions. Now I’m wondering if there may be something wrong with the OIS. I will be really disappointed if this is actually how it works now. I like capturing people at random moments. Guess I’ll be taking mine in to get checked out just to be sure.
Time for you to ditch that outdated 8 and get an X!

You sound like you know your stuff, take it to the Genius bar and they might swap it out.

That's the problem the nearest Genius bar is 2 hours away - I got my phone through a carrier... guess I can try to get them to look at it or maybe replace it.

Video is the same... I don't know if High Sierra messed up something with viewing as well...
I am somewhat disappointed with the quality of the photos with my new iPhone 8 plus... a lot of photos appear pixelated. And if photos are 12MB why aren't they showing up as that size?

Zooming in to 100% using Photos on my iMac and most of them are very blotchy/blurry.

Anyone else having these problems with their phone's camera?

I came from a 5S and doing photo shoot comparisons there's little improvement. Could there be an issue with my phone or software related? I'm a hobby photographer so I know a lot about lighting, etc.

I upgraded my imac 2011 with High Sierra would that make a difference? I've stored photos iCloud and the quality is the same.

Just a major letdown with this phone...

Have you tried setting the photo format back to jpg? I have found .heic photos on my iPhone 8+ to be poor especially in low light situations with .heic. The space savings is insane, over 100% in some cases. But the quality and sharpness is poor. That said, I’ve left .heic on and am getting used to it. I think the .heic compression is way too much so if you’re going for quality, try setting format back to jpg.
iOS 11.1 seems to have scaled back the .heic compression. Getting 4-7mb sized photos indoors when I used to get 1-3mb. Not scientific at all but seems to be the case.
iOS 11.1 seems to have scaled back the .heic compression. Getting 4-7mb sized photos indoors when I used to get 1-3mb. Not scientific at all but seems to be the case.
Haven't updated yet...will definitely try that and hope it improves. But you're right the 1-3 MB is what I've been getting which is pretty lame with poor subpar results.

Are you getting the same with video?
Yeah, scc04 is right. Its a bug in the last iOS Version. Write us here, if 11.1 fixed your problem. :)
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