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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2008
Hi guys,
Most of the apps i get from cydia works. However, when i download apps from the app store, it opens for like 3 secs and then closes immediately.

Any solutions?



macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2008
I rebooted my iphone already. The same thing is happening. I guess i installed the apps right. cause theres not really a way i can do it wrongly.


macrumors P6
Jun 19, 2009
Where bunnies are welcome.
I rebooted my iphone already. The same thing is happening. I guess i installed the apps right. cause theres not really a way i can do it wrongly.

Give more details on what you've done. Have you deleted all your apps and reinstalled? Deleted any and reinstalled? Does it happen for adding just one app from the App Store and not having any others?


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2008
I rebooted my iphone already. The same thing is happening. I guess i installed the apps right. cause theres not really a way i can do it wrongly.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 24, 2007
Try just syncing it with iTunes.

I had this problem happen once with every non native, non jailbroken app on my 3G within hours after upgrading to 3.0. IOW, Cydia apps, and iCal/Safari/iPod/Calc/original installed apps worked fine. Legitimate App Store apps didn't (no, I don't have any cracked apps).

After researching a bit, I was about resolved I could only restore....I just sync'd it. Almost immediately after it finished, it rang, so I didn't start the restore. And after I hung up, literally everything was working.

Weird, but it worked. Maybe give it a shot.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2008
I installed all the old apps i downloaded from the appstore for my ipod touch. I was transferring the apps. Then I opened an app, skype but it closed by itself. So i uninstalled all the apps and downloaded the same app, skype from the appstore on the ipod itself. still the same problem. So i'm just downloading the latest firmware now, 3.0 . I hope it works!


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2007
this happens to me with the ESPN app. it starts to open and immediately crashes. i've deleted it from the phone and from my computer. installed it on the phone and on my computer. restarted, reinstalled, etc. nada.
i've just given up on the app. don't have problems with any of my other ones from the app store or cydia


macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2008
Columbus, OH
I had something like this happen to me a couple times. The way I fixed the problem was to De-Authorize my iTunes library and then Re-Authorize it. Then sync.


macrumors 68020
Oct 4, 2007
Irvine, CA
Hi guys,
Most of the apps i get from cydia works. However, when i download apps from the app store, it opens for like 3 secs and then closes immediately.

Any solutions?


You need to reboot your phone RIGHT after the install BEFORE launching the app. When will people learn?


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2004
You need to reboot your phone RIGHT after the install BEFORE launching the app. When will people learn?

I guess people will learn when Apple add functionality to bring up a window telling you to reboot after installing an app!

All the same, it is a pretty unnecessary thing to require the user to do, given that apps are ring-fenced from the underlying OS.


macrumors 68020
Oct 4, 2007
Irvine, CA
I guess people will learn when Apple add functionality to bring up a window telling you to reboot after installing an app!

All the same, it is a pretty unnecessary thing to require the user to do, given that apps are ring-fenced from the underlying OS.

Oh definitely I totally agree. Its unnecessary but im used to it now, its just a habit.


macrumors P6
Jun 19, 2009
Where bunnies are welcome.
You need to reboot your phone RIGHT after the install BEFORE launching the app. When will people learn?

Excuse my ignorance, since I haven't JBed yet, but does it say this somewhere in a link, since so many people seem to keep making the same mistake that you say?

Edit: Great I ask a question for once and get nothing!! :)


macrumors newbie
Aug 24, 2009
All downloaded apps open then close in miliseconds.

The following is my understanding of this issue after owning a 3GS 32GB for two days. I neglected to finish my Apple Store account in Itunes because my partner had registered Her own details for her Ipod. I configured Wi-fi and registered my Apple download account on the Iphone. I then downloaded a mixture of purchased and free apps which worked fine until I connected it to the PC. Syncronizing my contacts seemed to work but then I made the mistake of trying to sink my applications (None of which were downloaded via the PC). Soon discovered after disconnecting that I could no longer open any of my apps, including the purchased ones. I checked the forums, this one in particular and followed the Reset and other suggestions. Nothing worked. Uninstalling one application, a free one with limited size and reinstalling, triggered re-authentication enabling me to open all my apps. Apple must have some form of Proviso when an application is executed, a stamp that is checked for validity. I could probably recreate the issue via the app sync but have now unchecked the box. Something to think about particularly if you are new to the Iphone like me.


macrumors newbie
Sep 4, 2009
i had they same problem twice and it drives me nuts

I did the same as "IwasApc" mentioned, but i forgot it the second time ^^
I would advice you to just
delete an app and then reinstall it
through the Appstore, this should work

hope that helps you



macrumors newbie
Dec 2, 2008
Southport, NC
As strict as Apple appears to be with developers, a requirement for rebooting the device after installing an app would likely meet with some resistance.


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2009
Apple store apps shuts down

hi there,
i am same problem. i can download and run cydia apps and also i can download app store apps but could not run. the apps suddenly closes immediately after it opens. please help me.


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2009
RE: Iphone Apps closes right after opening

Hi guys,
Most of the apps i get from cydia works. However, when i download apps from the app store, it opens for like 3 secs and then closes immediately.

Any solutions?


I had the same problem. I fixed it by registering my computer on itunes then syncing. Everything is working fine now.


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2009
i am already registered in itunes. so what's the process. help me out!!!!!!!

i am already registered in itunes. so what's the process. help me out!!!!!!!

its getting on my me out.........
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