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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 12, 2009
I am trying to pass an integer into a method, I get no errors however when I test in simulator the app crashes. Is there some sort of extra rule that I have to follow in order to pass variables in Objective C? :mad:
Thanks if someone can help me. I've added comments to make the code easier to understand.

- (void)whatMonthIsIt:(int)monthOfYear{
	NSString* monthArray[5];
	monthArray[1] = @"jan.png";
	img_dates = [UIImage imageNamed:monthArray[monthOfYear]];     //sets img_dates to @"jan.png";

- (void)onTimer:(NSTimer*)timer{    //Thread
	NSDate *now;
	int monthOfYear = [[now dateWithCalendarFormat:nil timeZone:nil]     monthOfYear];  //gets the current month and stores into integer monthOfYear
	[self whatMonthIsIt:monthOfYear]; //passes monthOfYear to method whatMonthIsIt
	[self setNeedsDisplay];
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