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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 19, 2018
after youtubing and googling
  1. im undecided on if iphone se is worth it
  2. a phone is only good for google maps
    1. i cant think of anything else i'd use a phone for
    2. anything productive a laptop/desktop is far better for
  3. taking notes is ok but i feel like a larger size would be better for that
    1. $400 is a high price when there are android phones lower cost than this
  4. it seems ios 13 was very buggy in the past, and i dont know how it is currently
    1. it doesnt seem reasonably or worth it to pay a high price for lacking software, and when apple is going downhill in quality
    2. that seems to be one of the reasons why iphone se is priced at the same price it was in the previous se
  5. the performance gains of iphone se doesnt seem noticeable in any significant way
    1. like i dont know what i'd be doing with the phone that would make it worthwhile
    2. like would nav on google maps be 100% faster in performance?
but it's unclear if there'll be a better phone in the future (like this year)
so not really sure if iphone se is worth it, cos maybe it'll be the best option in this whole year?

phones is really hard cos i personally dont know of what are the good sites that are very knowledgeable on phones comparisons and which is better overall
$400 is such a high price when you can get much better computers for laptops/desktops, i dont even know why i would paid so much for a phone, but i just dont know of any better options in terms of phones cos i do need a phone eventually for google maps / mapping cos really what else is a phone good for... ? do you know?
like im gonna use an action cam for video/photo which is way better than using a phone, and w/e other tools for other needs is far better than a phone

this seems kinda hard cos i think i'd prefer a better option? but this seems to be currently be the best one? i dont know
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If you don't need a phone buy a tom tom or Garmin gps unit for your car.. $399 is about as cheap as a new iPhone gets unless you don't mind something used. In that case a used iPhone SE, 6S or 7 will be much cheaper and do everything the new SE2 will do
You responded exactly what I was thinking. Just get an actual Navigation Device and an inexpensive cell, whether dumb or smart.
Seems like you already decided that an SE is overpriced and not for you.

Sounds like you need to buy a dedicated gps.
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It might be easier to recommend something for you if you’d give us a list of the devices you are comparing to the SE.
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after youtubing and googling
  1. im undecided on if iphone se is worth it
  2. a phone is only good for google maps
    1. i cant think of anything else i'd use a phone for
    2. anything productive a laptop/desktop is far better for
  3. taking notes is ok but i feel like a larger size would be better for that
    1. $400 is a high price when there are android phones lower cost than this
  4. it seems ios 13 was very buggy in the past, and i dont know how it is currently
    1. it doesnt seem reasonably or worth it to pay a high price for lacking software, and when apple is going downhill in quality
    2. that seems to be one of the reasons why iphone se is priced at the same price it was in the previous se
  5. the performance gains of iphone se doesnt seem noticeable in any significant way
    1. like i dont know what i'd be doing with the phone that would make it worthwhile
    2. like would nav on google maps be 100% faster in performance?
but it's unclear if there'll be a better phone in the future (like this year)
so not really sure if iphone se is worth it, cos maybe it'll be the best option in this whole year?

phones is really hard cos i personally dont know of what are the good sites that are very knowledgeable on phones comparisons and which is better overall
$400 is such a high price when you can get much better computers for laptops/desktops, i dont even know why i would paid so much for a phone, but i just dont know of any better options in terms of phones cos i do need a phone eventually for google maps / mapping cos really what else is a phone good for... ? do you know?
like im gonna use an action cam for video/photo which is way better than using a phone, and w/e other tools for other needs is far better than a phone

this seems kinda hard cos i think i'd prefer a better option? but this seems to be currently be the best one? i dont know
I know why I want an iPhone specifically (Continuity with iPad).

Seems like even a $50 Samsung Galaxy J or Moto E on prepaid will work fine for you. I actually got a Moto E5 with 1-year Tracfone service (1.5GB/1500 mins/1500 txt) for $40 during the holidays as backup phone. That's only around 125MB/mo but it's probably enough if you only need it for GPS.
Get a GPS or some cheap android that's like under 200 or even 100 or less. Samsung A series, honour 10, Oppo A5, Moto e5 go etc. SE is only budget for people who really want the best processor and to have an apple phone for IOS; if its just a decent budget phone you want for gps regardless of operating system then one of the above would work. The Oppo A5 has a 6.5 inch screen so its a "larger size" like you seem to want.
I don’t think spending money on a phone for only navigation purposes is a wise decision. There are better devices to suit your needs depending on where you’re going to use the maps.
If you just want a cheap phone for google maps, id highly recommend the samsung galaxy A20e which is about £140-150 (about $200)on amazon. Has a 5.8” amoled all screen display, 3000mh battery, dual camera and fairly decent 8 core processor. Brought it for my dad and he loves it. Cant believe samsung fit all those specs at this price.
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  1. a phone is only good for google maps
    1. i cant think of anything else i'd use a phone for
$400 is such a high price
Just simplifying your requirements. So basically you need a device for navigation at a price roughly $300 or less.

To echo some comments previously, I agree, just get a standalone GPS device. The best Tomtom Nav unit is like $200 from their website.

However, there's still advantages in using a phone + Google Maps. Map updates will be more seamless with Google maps as it's easier to update vs a standalone unit. And of course, it's a smartphone that can do other things. Unfortunately, I would caution from buying cheap Android phones as sometimes they are cheap for a reason, for lacking in some sensors like gyro or even compass. For example, the cheap Motorola E phones, they lack compass. Doesn't mean you cannot use Google Maps on it, but it cannot get direction until you're moving (the app use the GPS movement to triangulate your direction). So just beware if you're still looking into a cheap phone device.

As for iPhones, the nice thing Apple does is they do pack in the same basic sensors on the SE as the 11 Pro, including gyro, compass, and even barometer. And I do find GPS performance in general seems to be better on iPhones than Android (at least the ones I have used), even when using Google Maps.

Just my 2 cents.
I know why I want an iPhone specifically (Continuity with iPad).

Seems like even a $50 Samsung Galaxy J or Moto E on prepaid will work fine for you. I actually got a Moto E5 with 1-year Tracfone service (1.5GB/1500 mins/1500 txt) for $40 during the holidays as backup phone. That's only around 125MB/mo but it's probably enough if you only need it for GPS.
I have a flip phone from 2006 OP can have. Best bang for your buck. Free!!
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pohne options (updates matters?)

link? i can't find the price, so i cant even compar it, looks like it's just an india phone?
samsung galaxy A2

problem with these low cost android phones is there's no updates, or updates are random

iphne se / iphones has updates for 2-3 years i think? i cant find anywhre the update timeframe

maybe updates dont matter? updates seem like the most important thing? or no? i dunno
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are there any gps-only device that is better than a phone?

it seems that if i made this into a poll/survey, most that inputted say a gps-only device
  • some have used gps-only devices
  • and it's unclear if others have, or if they're making a suggestion based on a guess
are there any gps-only device that has
  1. voice nav like g maps
  2. is as accurate as gmaps
  3. can use the map on a regular computer to send directions to the small screen size of a phone?
  4. is near-equivalent(or better) to g maps in the significant ways?
  5. we only didn't consider that a gps-only device can't take notes (but im not sure anymore about what notes i'd need to take besides have updated lists on the phone like a grocery list)
  6. + the other things said by this user:
still advantages in using a phone + Google Maps

gps sensors

same basic sensors

from what i understand of this niche / specialised topic of gps, i believe the sensors are mostly all the same across all phones cos they're made by the same company

and the better sensors doesnt seem to be much more significant than regular sensors, they're all just meh

dont know about gps-only sensors tho

& if updates did matter,

then 'android one' phones fails and is unreliable

I’ve completely lost the whole point of this thread. Tell us what you’re going to use the device for so that we have enough information to suggest something for you.

In general a specialised device is better for that specific operation than a do it all device.
decided that getting a w/e new low cost android phone is coming out this year was the best option

decided that:
* high res +
* large lcd

was what matters most

seeing more is always a good thing in anything

* ppi >220
cos that's what my new computer is, and that hasn't really been good enough for like google sheets, etc, could be higher/better

if needed can get new one in future replacement tho unlikely would need new one for a very long time, cos that's how computing is: the useful value of an object/tool/thing does not go above the cost

no idea what in the software engineers are focusing on cos it's clearly not about things that help us in our life

like where's the much better gps antenna? the specialised kind are used in specialised uses that is not widespread for us little ppl consumers
where's the much better g maps? instead google made it progressively worst over time, and it's the best map, which is very sad that the best is the least worst
where's, etc.

feel free to say any new info on iphone se or anything insightful or about what matters most and why, etc

for example phone battery does not matter that's what powerbanks are for
so the mass amount of garbage on this web/media saying how iphone se battery is low and bad is all irrelevant & most importantly, unhelpful

my mistake was thinking iphone se and good and i should check into it but it was all a waste of a time, mins & hours of my life just cos soemthing was 'new' but irrelevant

the primitive state of computing tech (1950-2050)
the future is too slow to come
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  • Haha
Reactions: The.Glorious.Son
decided that getting a w/e new low cost android phone is coming out this year was the best option

We all knew this is what you’re going to end up with anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

decided that:
* high res +
* large lcd

was what matters most

seeing more is always a good thing in anything

* ppi >220
cos that's what my new computer is, and that hasn't really been good enough for like google sheets, etc, could be higher/better

if needed can get new one in future replacement tho unlikely would need new one for a very long time, cos that's how computing is: the useful value of an object/tool/thing does not go above the cost

no idea what in the software engineers are focusing on cos it's clearly not about things that help us in our life

like where's the much better gps antenna? the specialised kind are used in specialised uses that is not widespread for us little ppl consumers
where's the much better g maps? instead google made it progressively worst over time, and it's the best map, which is very sad that the best is the least worst
where's, etc.

feel free to say any new info on iphone se or anything insightful or about what matters most and why, etc

for example phone battery does not matter that's what powerbanks are for
so the mass amount of garbage on this web/media saying how iphone se battery is low and bad is all irrelevant & most importantly, unhelpful

my mistake was thinking iphone se and good and i should check into it but it was all a waste of a time, mins & hours of my life just cos soemthing was 'new' but irrelevant

the primitive state of computing tech (1950-2050)
the future is too slow to come

Whatever works for you. As long as you’re happy.
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  • Haha
Reactions: 26139 and EM2013
after youtubing and googling
  1. im undecided on if iphone se is worth it
  2. a phone is only good for google maps
    1. i cant think of anything else i'd use a phone for
    2. anything productive a laptop/desktop is far better for
  3. taking notes is ok but i feel like a larger size would be better for that
    1. $400 is a high price when there are android phones lower cost than this
  4. it seems ios 13 was very buggy in the past, and i dont know how it is currently
    1. it doesnt seem reasonably or worth it to pay a high price for lacking software, and when apple is going downhill in quality
    2. that seems to be one of the reasons why iphone se is priced at the same price it was in the previous se
  5. the performance gains of iphone se doesnt seem noticeable in any significant way
    1. like i dont know what i'd be doing with the phone that would make it worthwhile
    2. like would nav on google maps be 100% faster in performance?
but it's unclear if there'll be a better phone in the future (like this year)
so not really sure if iphone se is worth it, cos maybe it'll be the best option in this whole year?

phones is really hard cos i personally dont know of what are the good sites that are very knowledgeable on phones comparisons and which is better overall
$400 is such a high price when you can get much better computers for laptops/desktops, i dont even know why i would paid so much for a phone, but i just dont know of any better options in terms of phones cos i do need a phone eventually for google maps / mapping cos really what else is a phone good for... ? do you know?
like im gonna use an action cam for video/photo which is way better than using a phone, and w/e other tools for other needs is far better than a phone

this seems kinda hard cos i think i'd prefer a better option? but this seems to be currently be the best one? i dont know

In your first part of your post, it says ‘after googling and YouTubing’, which you are relying on the Internet to make decisions for you. Why don’t you buy the iPhone SE, utilize the 14 days and then make your own personal decision without allowing the Internet to make it for you. Just sayin. Otherwise, you keep coming up with all these conjunctive theories why the iPhone SE ‘may not work for you’ with XYZ reasons. Yet, you’ve never even use the phone, it’s all just based off assumption.
after youtubing and googling
  1. im undecided on if iphone se is worth it
  2. a phone is only good for google maps
    1. i cant think of anything else i'd use a phone for
    2. anything productive a laptop/desktop is far better for
  3. taking notes is ok but i feel like a larger size would be better for that
    1. $400 is a high price when there are android phones lower cost than this
  4. it seems ios 13 was very buggy in the past, and i dont know how it is currently
    1. it doesnt seem reasonably or worth it to pay a high price for lacking software, and when apple is going downhill in quality
    2. that seems to be one of the reasons why iphone se is priced at the same price it was in the previous se
  5. the performance gains of iphone se doesnt seem noticeable in any significant way
    1. like i dont know what i'd be doing with the phone that would make it worthwhile
    2. like would nav on google maps be 100% faster in performance?
but it's unclear if there'll be a better phone in the future (like this year)
so not really sure if iphone se is worth it, cos maybe it'll be the best option in this whole year?

phones is really hard cos i personally dont know of what are the good sites that are very knowledgeable on phones comparisons and which is better overall
$400 is such a high price when you can get much better computers for laptops/desktops, i dont even know why i would paid so much for a phone, but i just dont know of any better options in terms of phones cos i do need a phone eventually for google maps / mapping cos really what else is a phone good for... ? do you know?
like im gonna use an action cam for video/photo which is way better than using a phone, and w/e other tools for other needs is far better than a phone

this seems kinda hard cos i think i'd prefer a better option? but this seems to be currently be the best one? i dont know

google maps for iOS doesn’t have speedometer like that on Android otherwise it has same lane guidance as android, it’s not biggie and I think google apps are more polished for iOS than Android, iPhone XR is great right now large 6.1” screen and there isn’t much of practical difference betweeN A12 and A13, so if I had to choose I’d either wait for pixel 3a XL price drop or get iPhone XR.
  • Like
decided that getting a w/e new low cost android phone is coming out this year was the best option

decided that:
* high res +
* large lcd

was what matters most

seeing more is always a good thing in anything

* ppi >220
cos that's what my new computer is, and that hasn't really been good enough for like google sheets, etc, could be higher/better

if needed can get new one in future replacement tho unlikely would need new one for a very long time, cos that's how computing is: the useful value of an object/tool/thing does not go above the cost

no idea what in the software engineers are focusing on cos it's clearly not about things that help us in our life

like where's the much better gps antenna? the specialised kind are used in specialised uses that is not widespread for us little ppl consumers
where's the much better g maps? instead google made it progressively worst over time, and it's the best map, which is very sad that the best is the least worst
where's, etc.

feel free to say any new info on iphone se or anything insightful or about what matters most and why, etc

for example phone battery does not matter that's what powerbanks are for
so the mass amount of garbage on this web/media saying how iphone se battery is low and bad is all irrelevant & most importantly, unhelpful

my mistake was thinking iphone se and good and i should check into it but it was all a waste of a time, mins & hours of my life just cos soemthing was 'new' but irrelevant

the primitive state of computing tech (1950-2050)
the future is too slow to come
We’re all shocked by your decision.

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