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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 18, 2017
United Kingdom
Hi All
I have been a long long time looker to the great forums but this is my first post!
I have a problem with my wonderful new iPhone X, for the last 2 nights the battery has drained flat by morning.
Looking at the battery usage it seems the "lock & home screen" used 85% (with 6min on screen) so I am guessing that is the reason. I have an auto lock set to 30 seconds and everything else "standard"

Anyone else have a battery drain flat overnight by "home and lock screen" and anyone got any ideas to help?

many thanks

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Something is not right there if the phone was on 100% before you went to bed & it has drained the battery flat just like that. Try a restore.
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