Currently a lot of XS & XS Max users are having LTE issues. I’m not sure whether or not I’m apart of that bandwagon now.
I noticed that my iPhone X has been pretty sluggish over LTE lately, however I don’t know whether to blame AT&T for this since they haven’t been too fantastic either.
iPhone X with “4 bars of LTE” gets around 2-3mbps download and 2-3mbps upload. Something definitely seems off. I tested this against a Verizon iPhone X with “2 bars” at the moment of testing and got around 40-60mbps download and 2-3mbps upload. Which I was baffled to see. Both iPhone Xes are running iOS 12.
Contacted AT&T about it and their support team escalated my issue to a “network issue”. Not sure what that’s gonna do for me but I’m not very hopeful.
I noticed that my iPhone X has been pretty sluggish over LTE lately, however I don’t know whether to blame AT&T for this since they haven’t been too fantastic either.
iPhone X with “4 bars of LTE” gets around 2-3mbps download and 2-3mbps upload. Something definitely seems off. I tested this against a Verizon iPhone X with “2 bars” at the moment of testing and got around 40-60mbps download and 2-3mbps upload. Which I was baffled to see. Both iPhone Xes are running iOS 12.
Contacted AT&T about it and their support team escalated my issue to a “network issue”. Not sure what that’s gonna do for me but I’m not very hopeful.